Monday, March 31, 2008

SR's Forcast as of 3/31/08 am

Model Cycle: 2008 MAR 31 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 7 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------

4/2 5am 3 - 7 SSW 206 4.3 13.8 5 - 7 NE 44
4/2 11am 4 - 8 SW 210 4.5 15.9 3 - 5 NNW 346
4/2 5pm 4 - 8 SW 210 4.7 15.8 7 - 10 SW 222

4/3 5am 4 - 8 SW 211 4.9 15.2 5 - 7 NE 47
4/3 11am 4 - 9 SW 211 5.0 15.0 0 - 1 NNW 336
4/3 5pm 4 - 9 SW 211 5.1 14.9 5 - 8 SW 223

4/4 5am 4 - 8 SW 212 5.0 14.5 2 - 4 NNE 25
4/4 11am 4 - 8 SW 212 5.0 14.3 2 - 3 WSW 246
4/4 5pm 4 - 8 SW 212 4.9 14.3 4 - 6 SW 214

4/5 5am 3 - 7 SW 212 4.6 13.9 3 - 4 N 8
4/5 11am 3 - 7 SW 212 4.4 13.6 2 - 4 WNW 297
4/5 5pm 3 - 6 SW 211 4.3 13.5 4 - 6 WNW 286

4/6 5am 3 - 6 SW 210 4.1 13.4 4 - 6 N 352
4/6 11am 3 - 6 SW 210 4.0 13.4 5 - 7 WNW 302
4/6 5pm 3 - 6 SW 210 4.0 13.8 7 - 10 WNW 282

Saturday, March 29, 2008

SR's Forecast onf 3/29/08

(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
4/1 5pm 3 - 6 SSW 209 3.5 14.7 8 - 11 SW 225

4/2 5am 3 - 7 SW 214 3.8 17.3 8 - 10 NE 37
4/2 11am 3 - 7 SW 212 3.9 16.7 4 - 6 WNW 306
4/2 5pm 4 - 8 SW 213 4.2 16.0 7 - 10 WNW 280

4/3 5am 4 - 8 SW 214 4.5 15.7 8 - 11 ENE 76
4/3 11am 4 - 8 SW 214 4.6 15.3 4 - 6 W 272
4/3 5pm 4 - 8 SW 214 4.5 15.0 4 - 5 SSW 206

4/4 5am 3 - 7 SW 215 4.5 14.8 5 - 7 ENE 70
4/4 11am 3 - 7 SW 215 4.4 14.5 4 - 5 WSW 250
4/4 5pm 3 - 7 SW 215 4.3 14.3 7 - 10 SSW 194

4/5 5am 3 - 6 SW 215 4.1 14.1 2 - 3 ENE 59
4/5 11am 3 - 6 SW 215 3.9 13.7 6 - 8 W 277

Area Weather Forecast:
Wed Apr 02 Isolated T-Storms 96°/72°
Thu Apr 03 PM T-Storms 97°/72°
Fri Apr 04 Scattered T-Storms 96°/72°
Sat Apr 05 Scattered Showers 97°/72°
Sun Apr 06 Mostly Sunny 98°/73°
Mon Apr 07 Scattered T-Storms 97°/73°

SPAC SYNOPSIS: We’ve seen a flurry of intense South Hemi
storms lately with developing lows spinning out from under New Zealand
and tracking towards the Central-South Pacific... Further out; another
strong system developed through the past few days

and sent out another decent SW groundswell (200-220) for April 2-3 with
more head-overhead surf before backing down. Beyond that; the South
Pacific looks to remain cyclonically active as another storm is
currently developing deep in the South Hemi. Therefore, the SW energy
doesn't look to stop for the long-range. Stay posted as this system
Our next forecast update here will be Monday evening at 8 PM.

Friday, March 28, 2008

SR's Forcast as of 3/28/08 am

Looking good for Day 1 and Day 2

SPAC SYNOPSIS: We’ve seen a flurry of intense South Hemi storms lately with developing lows spinning out from under New Zealand and tracking towards the Central-South Pacific. A good sized SW swell lines up for the end of the week with fading surf expected for the weekend. Another shot of swell is on tap for the early part of April.

Our current run of SW groundswell (205-215) continues to build through the day on Thursday offering plenty of head-well overhead surf, strongest in the afternoon hours. This SW swell tops out on Friday and we can expect head-double overhead waves. Then SW energy very slowly tapers off through the weekend with head-overhead surf on Saturday dropping into the waist-head+ range for Sunday. Expect this round of SW swell to continue to fade for the early part of next week as well. Expect great conditions in the early mornings the next few days with calm/light offshore flow before the afternoon seabreeze picks up from the SW/SSW.

A system currently coming together in the Central SPAC will result in a decent run of SSW swell (205-215) filling in on Tuesday (April 1st) with head-well overhead surf expected for next Wednesday-Friday (April 2nd-4th). Stay posted as we continue to monitor this storm as it runs its course over the next few days. Further out, the South Pacific looks to remain cyclonically active through the end of March resulting in plenty of surf in the longer range as well. Be sure to check back for the latest updates over the next couple of days as we see continue to watch things unfold.

Our next forecast update here will be Friday evening at 8 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

SR's Coming Up

First buoyweather indicator rolls in on Thu morning (3/27)
one week before the trip. It is looking "up" wouldn't you say?

SPAC SYNOPSIS: We’ve seen a flurry of intense South
Hemi storms lately with developing lows spinning out
from under New Zealand and tracking towards the
Central-South Pacific. A good sized SW swell lines up
for the end of the week with fading surf expected for
the weekend. Another shot of swell is on tap for the
early part of April.

A system currently coming together in the Central SPAC
will result in a decent run of SSW swell (205-215)
filling in on Tuesday (April 1st) with head-well
overhead surf expected for next Wednesday-Friday
(April 2nd-4th). Stay posted as we continue to monitor
this storm as it runs its course over the next few
days. Further out, the South Pacific looks to remain
cyclonically active through the end of March resulting
in plenty of surf in the longer range as well. Be sure
to check back for the latest updates over the next
couple of days as we see continue to watch things unfold.