Friday, December 15, 2006

PR NW Forecast as of 12/14/06

6-8' ENE trade swell/NE swell mix for the N coast. Rincón picks up 1-2' wrap. Winds are ENE 12-17kts.

5-6' ENE trade swell/NE swell mix for the N coast. Rincón picks up 1-2-3' wrap; the better exposed spots in Rincón may be a bit larger. Winds are E 12-17kts.

4-6' ENE trade swell/NE swell mix for the N coast. Rincón picks up 1-2' wrap. Winds are ENE 12-17kts.

4-6' ENE trade swell/NE swell mix for the N coast. Rincón looks small scale with some minor wrap. Winds are ENE 12-17kts.

5-6'+ ENE trade swell for the N coast. Rincón looks minimal. Winds are ENE 15-20kts.

Strong high pressure is currently over the central Atlantic Ocean. Winds around the eastern flank of this high currently look pretty darn good and this will keep a good run of ENE trade swell and NNE swell in the water over the next several days. This will be strongest to the N coast locations. Rincón picks up some trade swell wrap. There will be no shortage of surf over the next several days.

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