Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Costa Rica Forecast 3/13-20/07

(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/13 11am 4 - 8 SW 220 4.8 15.1 9 - 12 NE 45
3/13 5pm 4 - 8 SW 219 5.0 14.8 10 - 14 NE 48

3/14 11am 4 - 8 SW 217 4.8 14.4 4 - 6 NNE 28
3/14 5pm 3 - 7 SW 218 4.6 14.0 7 - 10 NNE 14

3/15 11am 3 - 6 SW 218 4.2 13.5 2 - 2 NNE 18
3/15 5pm 3 - 6 SW 216 3.9 13.5 5 - 7 WSW 252

3/16 5pm 2 - 5 SW 211 3.6 13.2 5 - 8 WSW 237
3/16 11pm 2 - 5 SW 212 3.5 13.1 7 - 10 ENE 71

3/17 11am 2 - 5 SW 210 3.7 13.1 7 - 9 NNE 19
3/17 5pm 2 - 5 SSW 208 3.4 12.9 6 - 9 NE 44

3/18 11am 2 - 5 SW 211 3.7 12.3 6 - 8 NNE 15
3/18 5pm 2 - 4 SSW 209 3.1 12.2 6 - 8 ENE 79

3/19 11am 2 - 4 SSW 207 3.1 11.8 7 - 10 N 356
3/19 5pm 1 - 3 SW 211 2.8 11.3 5 - 6 ESE 113

3/20 5am 2 - 4 SW 210 3.2 11.1 11 - 15 NE 45
3/20 11am 2 - 4 SW 210 3.3 11.0 5 - 7 N 358

Building new SW groundswell set up head high to overhead surf
for lots of spots on Monday.

OUTLOOK: Good week for waves with a solid SW swell peaking
early in the week then gradually winding down into the weekend.
More SW swell expected for the upcoming week.

SPAC: Definitely a pick up in storm action over the Under World
lately, with several good looking lows tracking eastward from below New
Zealand to the south end of South America. SW swell generated by those
systems reaches top end early in the week then slowly back slides
through most of the remainder of the week. Forecast charts have more
storms pulling together during the next several days with the potential
for fresh SW surf by the middle of next week.

The healthy SW(205-220+) Southern Hemi swell which was filling in on
Monday with top out on Tuesday with lots of head high+ to easily
overhead surf. Midweek holds then it's a slow drop going into the
weekend as the old swell fades and smaller reinforcement swell joins
in. Still fun waves for Saturday but things get smaller by Sunday.

Forecast charts have a deepening low developing off South America.
That's looking good for another run of SW Southern Hemi swell by the
middle of the upcoming week. We'll keep you posted on the progress of
that storm and its swell.

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