Monday, March 15, 2010

NW CR 3/15/2010 am Forecast

Another small day but looks like  some decent surf if the winds
hold off.

Winds held up and the swell picked up with the incoming tide for a
very fun session today, one of the better of the trip according to the
boys. Waves were 4 to 6 foot.

Model Cycle: 2010 MAR 15 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 7 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/15 5am 3 - 6 SW 214 3.8 14.5 8 - 10 ENE 69
3/15 11am 3 - 6 SW 214 3.8 14.5 1 - 2 NNE 18
3/15 5pm 3 - 6 SW 214 3.6 14.4 5 - 6 WSW 240

3/16 5am 2 - 5 SW 215 3.6 13.3 6 - 8 ENE 66
3/16 11am 2 - 5 SW 215 3.6 13.3 0 - 0 W 264
3/16 5pm 3 - 6 SSW 196 3.6 16.1 8 - 11 WSW 258

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