Saturday, April 17, 2010

NW PR Report and Forecast of 4/17/2010, am

Saturday, 4/17/2010 Surf Report: Checked the surf, picked up a cup
of coffee and went back to PdP and paddled out. Waves were a little
better than they looked from shore, current was running strong and
it was def a wind swell, about 3 to 7 foot. Didn't catch many in the
1-1/2 hrs out. Also realized that my 4.5 inch center fin was set too
far back because the board was digging in during some turns (I had set it
up in the event TDLR was working). My last wave found me on the shallow
inside with a minus tide running on an already shallow reef break so I
paddled in at the secondary spot.

Ordered a jamon, huevo y queso sandwich and another coffee and drove over
to check out Little Teapoo. A bodyboarder was dropped off by his wife and
he paddled out, I ate my sandwich and watched. Less wind on this spot so
I decided to join him. Waves were a fun, glassy 2-4' with some little
tubitos here and there. We alternated waves and talked story. Turns out
that Omar is an OR nurse and studying to be a nurse anesthetist and is
also a CNOR, so we discussed job opportunities for my wife. He also went
to high school with Edwin.

Model Cycle: 2010 APR 17 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
4/17 7am 3 - 7 NNE 23 7.2 8.6 12 - 16 ENE 67
4/17 1pm 3 - 7 NNE 25 7.1 8.3 11 - 16 ENE 67

4/18 7am 2 - 5 NE 33 5.5 7.7 10 - 14 E 99
4/18 1pm 2 - 4 NE 33 5.1 7.6 3 - 4 NE 48

4/19 7am 2 - 5 NNE 17 4.7 9.0 7 - 10 SE 140
4/19 1pm 2 - 5 NNE 27 4.5 10.8 3 - 4 S 182

4/20 7am 2 - 4 NNE 24 3.3 10.1 3 - 4 S 184
4/20 1pm 1 - 3 NNE 26 2.8 10.2 4 - 6 WSW 243

4/21 7am 1 - 3 NE 36 2.1 13.0 3 - 4 NNW 335
4/21 1pm 1 - 3 NE 35 2.2 13.0 3 - 5 WNW 301

4/22 7am 2 - 4 NE 36 3.0 12.2 0 - 0 SSW 194
4/22 1pm 2 - 4 NE 36 3.0 12.0 5 - 7 NNW 334

4/23 7am 2 - 4 NNE 25 3.7 11.1 8 - 11 NNE 19
4/23 1pm 2 - 5 NNE 23 3.9 10.8 9 - 12 NNE 10

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