Friday, January 9, 2015

PRNW Forecast & Rpt of Fri, 2015-0109noon

Some early forerunners showed up this morning so I finally got wet 5 days after arriving to PR! I did not get the early worm as the forecast had been for more micro waves before the swell fills in this morning, but some was better than none. Paddled the bonzer paipo out to PdP--will stick to the Checkered RPM for its tighter turning radius and maneuvering in little steep waves. Surf was 2-3 ft with only light wind when I paddled out. Good enough for an hour and a half before the winds and chop killed it. Feels so good. Only one other guy out.

Might bonzer paipo it at TdlR if that is working later this afternoon. Will see what the swell and winds bring. Looks like we might have swell into Monday morning without having to venture to the north coast.

  Model Cycle: 2015 JAN 09 06Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/9    7am   2 -  5  ENE  56    4.5     9.4   13 - 17  ENE  77 FRI
1/9    1pm   2 -  5  ENE  57    4.9     9.5   15 - 20  ENE  60
1/9    7pm   3 -  6  ENE  56    5.3     9.4   15 - 21  ENE  67

1/10   7am   5 - 10  NNW 348    7.3    12.0    8 - 11    E  90 SAT
1/10   1pm   4 -  9    N 353    6.7    11.3    5 -  6  ENE  52
1/10   7pm   3 -  7    N 358    6.1    10.8   10 - 14  ENE  75

1/11   7am   3 -  6  NNE  18    5.5     9.9   14 - 19  ENE  74 SUN
1/11   1pm   3 -  6  NNE  21    5.7     9.6   13 - 18  ENE  63
1/11   7pm   3 -  6   NE  36    6.1     9.2   15 - 20  ENE  77

1/12   7am   3 -  6   NE  47    6.2     8.4   14 - 19    E  81 MON
1/12   1pm   3 -  6  ENE  54    6.3     8.3   12 - 16  ENE  72
1/12   7pm   3 -  6  ENE  60    6.4     8.3   13 - 18    E  83

1/13   7am   3 -  7  ENE  67    6.0    10.2   11 - 15    E  90 TUE
1/13   1pm   3 -  7  ENE  68    5.7    10.4    7 -  9  ENE  78
1/13   7pm   3 -  7  ENE  69    5.6    10.6   10 - 14    E  87

1/14   7am   3 -  6  ENE  71    4.8    10.6    7 -  9    E  88 WED
1/14   1pm   2 -  5  ENE  72    4.5    10.7    2 -  3  ENE  64
1/14   7pm   2 -  5  ENE  72    4.3    10.6    5 -  7  ESE 100

1/15   7am   2 -  4  ENE  72    3.8    10.4    6 -  9  ESE 110 THU
1/15   1pm   2 -  4  ENE  72    3.6    10.4    2 -  2   SE 148
1/15   7pm   2 -  4  ENE  73    3.5    10.3    3 -  4  ESE 121

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