Friday, May 12, 2017

CRNW 2017-0512 (Fri) Itching to Go Forecast

Just a peak at what is happening.

  Model Cycle: 2017 MAY 12 12Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
5/12   6am   4 -  8  SSW 204    4.8    14.5    8 - 10  WNW 286
5/12  12pm   4 -  8   SW 211    4.8    14.3    7 - 10    W 261
5/13  12pm   3 -  6  SSW 205    3.8    13.1    3 -  4  WNW 306
5/13   6pm   2 -  5   SW 210    3.6    12.7    4 -  6    W 268
5/14   6am   2 -  5   SW 211    3.4    12.5    5 -  7   NW 316
5/14  12pm   2 -  4  SSW 204    3.3    12.3    5 -  8  WNW 292
5/15   6am   3 -  6   SW 222    3.5    15.4    6 -  8  WNW 302
5/15  12pm   3 -  6   SW 222    3.6    14.9    6 -  8  WNW 290
5/16   6am   3 -  6   SW 221    3.6    14.1    2 -  3  WSW 251
5/16  12pm   3 -  6   SW 220    3.6    14.1    5 -  7  WSW 247
5/17   6am   2 -  5   SW 219    3.5    13.3    2 -  3  WSW 232
5/17  12pm   4 -  8  SSW 208    3.7    17.9    5 -  7    W 270

5/18   6am   4 -  9  SSW 203    4.7    16.1    3 -  4    N   9
5/18  12pm   4 -  8  SSW 203    4.8    15.6    4 -  6  NNW 332

5/19   6am   4 -  8  SSW 206    4.8    14.9    0 -  0  NNW 334
Effective Wednesday afternoon
  • Fun S/SSW swell holds thru Sat
  • Potential swell from TS Adrian short/mid range
  • More S/SSW swell in long range
SHORT TERM FORECAST: (through SATURDAY, May 13th)                           

Swell/Surf: New S/SSW (190-210) swell builds slightly through the day on Thursday, and holds through Saturday. Surf heights during this time frame should be in the shoulder high to a couple feet overhead range with standouts seeing well overhead sets, especially during optimal tides. We are also watching for potential low/mid period W/WSW swell due to Tropical Storm Adrian. See below for more details.  

Wind/Weather: Look for the typical wind pattern of calm or light offshore in the mornings with a light to locally moderate seabreeze developing by late AM/Early PM. Potential clean ups are possible in the evenings, especially around local thunderstorms. 

EXTENDED FORECAST: (SUNDAY, May 14th, and beyond)              

South Pacific: The S/SSW swell will ease on Sunday with surf heights in the waist to head high range (good for Brett), biggest early.  This swell continues to ease for Tuesday and Wednesday as some smaller SSW energy mixes in (now Brett can get his game on!). Also, we are watching for potential W/WSW swell from Adrian during this time frame, but again, there is a large amount of uncertainty in the details.

Going further out, a fairly robust fetch has set up south of New Zealand, which is forecast to send potentially solid long period energy to Costa Rica starting on Thursday, the 18th.  So far, satellite confirmed seas are in line with LOLA, but we will keep an eye on how this evolves over the coming days. At the moment, well overhead+ surf is possible on the 18th through the 20th (Tim and Rod ramp it up!! Red is the danger warning for Brett). It is also worth noting that in the longer range, the South Pacific is looking fairly active so there should be more potential for fun to solid size surf for late in the month. Stay tuned. 



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