Friday, December 30, 2005

Blow My Freakin' Mind!

An Atlantic tropical storm formed today, the 30th day of December, by the name of Zeta. Wow! She won't be a swell generator for us as Zeta is forecast to diminsh over the next few days, but wouldn't that be a historical footnote to one's surfing history if she did generate sufficient swell to ride?

I have been meaning to post something about the past week's events but have been too busy, tired or sick to do much.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Aunt Aggie Passes Away

Aggie passed away last night. May she rest in peace with God's blessings. Aunt Aggie was like a grandmother to my son, a super aunt and friend to my wife, and for me a special family from my wife's branch of relatives. She will be deeply missed.

One week ago our plans still had us visiting our beloved west coast of Puerto Rico. Not making our annual pilgrimage has left an empty spot in my soul... I have been playing a lot more tropical salsa music from streaming internet and DirctTV's XM radio the past few days. A friend passed along the name of a very good Cuban/Puerto Rican restaurant in the Rockville suburbs of Washington, DC... will have to take my wife and son there sometime next week. Wife and I plan to visit our regular digs in Feb, but I hope my 22yo son can tear himself away from his low paying, no benefits job in Wilmington, NC, to join us. Love sharing the tropical waves with him, the daily dawn patrol for cafe con leche, fresh baked criollo bread and waves, and criollo lunches after surfing Wilderness, Maria's or one of our secret spots.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Space Coast Surf Trip, Dec 8-12, 2005

Great trip:

Now to regroup. Had to cancel our family's annual Christmas - New Year's - Three Kings Holiday season trip to Puerto Rico due to a grave illness of a relative. I am sad on two counts. First, Aunt Aggie is losing her two year battle with breast cancer -- this brings great sadness. Second, I deeply miss the surf, sounds, criolla foods and festivity of my homeland. But, family is first, and Aggie has been a very dear aunt to my wife and great aunt to my son. I love her very much, too. I pray she will soon be at peace.

Tune into some latin salsa tropical music here:

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Stormy Atlantic Shaping Up for GuidoPalooza

The conga line is forming up for our annual GuidoPalooza in Cape Hatteras. Can't wait to see old friends and share the waves!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Is this my storm, finally?

It's been a really slow tropical storm season even though we are up to "K" (Katrina, a wicked lady that will flood and rip apart the New Orleans area). This is a long range forecast from today that shows a nice storm on a favorable track forecasted for 9/5/05... if it bends to the NW we'll be in luck for this year's GuidoPalooza on the Outer Banks. Maybe there is hope!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Seaside, OR - March 2004

Seaside, OR - March 2004 Posted by Hello

Test of the Blog

This happened because of Google's Picassa image program that then sent me to it's Hello! program to here. We'll see what happens!