Friday, December 16, 2005

Space Coast Surf Trip, Dec 8-12, 2005

Great trip:

Now to regroup. Had to cancel our family's annual Christmas - New Year's - Three Kings Holiday season trip to Puerto Rico due to a grave illness of a relative. I am sad on two counts. First, Aunt Aggie is losing her two year battle with breast cancer -- this brings great sadness. Second, I deeply miss the surf, sounds, criolla foods and festivity of my homeland. But, family is first, and Aggie has been a very dear aunt to my wife and great aunt to my son. I love her very much, too. I pray she will soon be at peace.

Tune into some latin salsa tropical music here:

1 comment:

rodndtube said...

Neal wasn't on this trip... he is tied up with children, babysitting and upcoming debt (his wife's inplants, not the saline kind, but teeth). Paul and I traveled down and stayed at Brett's bachelor pad at Satellite Beach.

RJ's is *much* worse than WRV. Funny, I remember buying my first wetsuit parts in 1971 at the old Bob White shop as you entered VaB on the expressway. I won't vouch for their surfboard quality having heard mixed reviews, but they do have a good mix of equipment. Two of my last 3 wetsuits were purchased there, my last one was mismarked on a rack but the guy gave me the discount anyway with plenty of stoke.