Wednesday, September 3, 2008

GP2K8 TS Update from WeatherUnderground

*From Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog of 9/03/2008 (morning)

Tropical Storm Josphine
is a long way out to sea, and it will be at least a week before it may
threaten any land areas.

*Elsewhere in the tropics*
The GFS model is forecasting that at least two or three more tropical
waves will move off the coast of Africa over the next ten days and
develop into tropical storms. The NOGAPS model is predicting possible
development near the Yucatan Peninsula 4-6 days from now, either in the
western Caribbean or the Gulf of Mexico's Bay of Campeche.

Rod Rodgers _\m/

Please consider sponsoring me in the Ride for a Cause surfing contest, on Oct 4th, in Virginia Beach. Many thanks!!!

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