Friday, September 12, 2008

Invest 91 Update of Fri, 9/12/08, pm

Invest 91, formerly Josephine, is now forecast to track along a more favorable area for GP'ers (see below) -- in other words giving us a 50-50 chance to score some slightly larger waves. Capt Blake is trying to help us out... keep him in your prayers :)

Blake posted earlier today on alt.surfing, a bit exaggerated on the tinyness side, but also with some decent advise about going fishing:

The last pre-GP forecast.

Saturday: dead flat.
Sunday: dead flat
Monday: south winds pick up substantially as a front nears. Possibly some sloppy surf around the right corner.
Tuesday: front pushes through. Not a lot of swell with it. But northerly winds start to kick up later in the day, and by Wednesday there will be northeast windswell
Wednesday: northeast windswell
Thursday-Friday: residual northeast windswell

The high generating the windswell is forecast to stabilize and generate waves for the remainder of the week. Best bet is to hide under a rock until Wednesday, then be ready for surf. However, it looks like a strikeout for swell from the tropics. I recommend bringing fishing poles for this weekend - when it is flat the fish are biting.


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