Saturday, February 22, 2014

CRNW Forecast of Fri, 2014-0221p

The Friday evening update... still holding for surf on arrival day plus a few more.

EXTENDED FORECAST (Wednesday, Feb 26th and beyond)
Highlights: A new pulse of fun size SW-SSW swell lines up for around the first days of March

South Pacific Swell: Things are looking pretty slow through the last few days of February (26th-28th). However, a new storm has recently developed in the central SPAC, where it is pushing out a new pulse of fun size SW-SSW swell (215-200 deg) due for the first several days of March (initially building in on the 1st). At this point, this swell is looking good to deliver chest-head high occasional overhead sets for the standout exposed breaks throughout the region. Stay posted for updates, as this storm/swell are still developing.

Further out; although slow going, storm activity continues to gradually look better and better in the SPAC. At this point, the potential is high that more fun zone SW-SSW swells will soon follow the swell mentioned in the paragraph above. Stay tuned! 

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