Friday, April 24, 2015

2015-0424 CRNW Long Range Forecast

Forty days and forty nights... until splash down. Can't resist peeking at a long-range forecast.

P.S. The 2nd and 3rd period premier surf prognosticator forecasts were relatively over-forecasting swell size so the 2 cents rule applies. What is different is the forecasts in the 2nd and 3rd forecasts periods below from the March "over-estimating" is the greater number of long-period swells (16-20 sec) in these estimates.

Effective Wednesday evening (4/22/15)

SHORT TERM FORECAST (through Sunday, April 26th)
Highlights: New SW/SSW swell fills in for Friday and the weekend.

South Pacific Swell: Old mix of SSW-South 200-180° and SW 225-215° swells winds down going into the second half of the week, with mostly knee-waist high waves for Thursday. Fresh combo of SW and SSW(225-200) swell joins in on Friday, setting up waist-shoulder high surf for the end of the work week.

The SSW/SW mix continues with waist-shoulder+ surf on Saturday. That's joined by more SSW-S swell (200-180°) on Sunday, setting up chest-shoulder-head high waves at good breaks.

Wind/Weather: Most areas will see a typical diurnal wind pattern through the next several days; light/variable to locally light+ offshore wind for the early to mid mornings, before a moderate onshore seabreeze gradually develops over the late morning hours and into each afternoon. Good chance for the wind to back off into the evenings for a glassoff for many locations before dark, especially the more sheltered/tucked away spots. NOTE - Northern CR will see light+ to moderate+ offshore flow each morning (strongest toward the Nica border).

Most of the region will see partly cloudy/sunny skies each day. However, there will be occasional passing showers and T-storms. Keep in mind that passing or nearby showers and thunderstorms can temporarily affect/change local wind conditions.

EXTENDED FORECAST (Monday, April 27th and beyond)
Highlights: Better Southern Hemi lining up for the upcoming week.
South Pacific Swell:  Combo of SSW-S swell (200-180°) on Monday maintains chest-shoulder-head high waves at good breaks. By Tuesday a better run of SSW(220-205) swell will be moving in. That swell peaks during the middle of next week, 29th-30th, with shoulder-head+ surf and plus sets for good exposures.  Stronger, longer-period round of S/SSW swell fills in next Friday,1st, then tops out over the weekend and into the following week, 2nd-4th. At this point that's looking good for overhead-double overhead+ surf at many exposed spots. We'll keep you posted on those storm/swell systems as they develop.

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