Tuesday, May 12, 2015

CRNW Forecast of Tue, 2015-0512p

This is the initial forecast for the June 2015 surf trip.

North Costa Rica Forecast effective Monday evening (2015-0511)

EXTENDED FORECAST (Saturday, May 16th and beyond)

South Pacific Swell: Fading but still punchy SSW (220-195°) swell is good for head high to overhead surf on Saturday. The old SSW swell continues to drop through the end of the weekend, while a fresh, more moderate scale SSW (210-190) swell starts to move in on Sunday, maintaining good waves. The new Southern Hemi peaks next Monday/Tuesday, 18th-19th, with head+ high surf for exposures.

Next up, a new storm currently brewing in the eastern SPAC is expected to generate a new S/SSW Southern Hemi which will be on the rise next Wednesday, 20th, then top out with consistent overhead waves during the second half of the upcoming week, 21st-23rd. We'll keep you posted on that storm/swell system as it develops. 

Received word today that Moses is zooming across Kansas. We will meet him near the airport.

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