Tuesday, May 19, 2015

CRNW Forecast of Mon/Tue, 2015-0519p

Near Term forecast to compare with the multi-term forecast below.
 Model Cycle: 2015 MAY 19 18Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 7 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
5/19  11am   3 -  7   SW 214    4.3    14.7    2 -  2  ESE 103
5/20  11am   2 -  5   SW 221    3.3    14.2    4 -  6   NW 320
5/21  11am   2 -  5  SSW 202    3.2    15.0    1 -  2  WNW 291
5/22  11am   2 -  5  SSW 205    3.5    12.8    2 -  4    W 267
5/23  11am   4 -  9  SSW 203    4.7    16.3    2 -  2  NNE  12
5/24  11am   3 -  7  SSW 201    4.4    14.5    2 -  2    E  84
5/25  11am   3 -  7  SSW 194    4.0    15.3    2 -  4  NNW 339
5/26  11am   5 - 10   SW 222    4.4    20.3    3 -  5   SE 139
Effective Monday afternoon

SHORT TERM FORECAST (through Thursday, May 21st)
Highlights: Modest Southern Hemi swell will lap in through mid week.

South Pacific Swell: Overlapping SSW swells (215-195°) will show for the next few days - which the northern half of Costa is partially shadowed by the Galapagos. Many spots will hang in the waist occasional chest high zone, while select magnets that are well exposed produce occasional sets/peaks up to shoulder high+ during the best tides.

Wind/Weather: Most areas will continue to see a typical diurnal wind pattern through the next several days. Look for calm to very light/variable to locally light+ offshore wind for the early to mid mornings (depending on the specific spot). Northernmost CR will see light+ to moderate offshore flow in the mornings. Then a moderate onshore seabreeze gradually develops over the late morning hours and into each afternoon for all areas. Good chance for the wind to back off in the evenings for a glassoff for many locations before dark, especially the more sheltered/tucked away spots.

Most of the region will see partly cloudy/sunny skies each day. However, there will be occasional passing showers and T-storms scattered about, especially offshore. Keep in mind that passing or nearby showers and thunderstorms can temporarily affect/change local wind conditions.

EXTENDED FORECAST (Friday, May 22nd and beyond)
Highlights: Better, fun-size SSW swell is due for the weekend and into next week.

South Pacific Swell: Thanks to recent and projected storm activity over the Southeast Pacific, we'll see a nice long run of fun-size SSW swell (210-185°) this weekend and most of next week. Northern CR will also be partially shadowed on this swell. At this point, this weekend and Monday the 23rd-25th will see the best of it, with head to overhead surf at many of the better exposures. Standout spots will produce sets running 2-3 feet overhead, and even hitting double overhead or so at select magnets. This energy will ease a little next week, but still providing chest-overhead surf for the better exposures of the region.

Meanwhile, recent storm activity over the Southwest Pacific will deliver some similar size SW swell (235-210°) for the middle to end of next week, overlapping with the SSW energy discussed in the paragraph above. Therefore, the Galapagos shadow will be pretty much obsolete, allowing for nearly all the good exposed spots to partake in fun-size surf during that time.

Beyond that - Long range models suggest that another Southwest Pacific storm may develop in the next several days, potentially sending decent SW swell for around the first week of June. Stay posted, still pending development. 


CR Swell Shadows  

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