Monday, January 3, 2022

PRNW Forecast of 2022-0103am (Monday)

Forecast shows swell in the water, mostly on the small size. Maybe that will keep my area crowd size down a bit.

Long Term Forecast Analysis (Thursday, January 6th and Beyond)

The storm we have been watching this past week previously set up shop to the S of Iceland with satellite observed winds to storm force in the island’s window. This adds in even more long period NNE swell for next week.

We are also watching a storm moving off the US East Coast early this week and another poorly shaped, weak low over the Eastern Atlantic this weekend/early next week. The US East Coast low moves pretty quick off to the NE setting up between Iceland/Greenland by the middle of next week. We’ll see an initial modest pulse of NNW shifting NNE swell off this mixing in with the above mentioned long period NNE swell. This combo swell should offer up consistent surf and Wed/Thur are definitely looking like good days to target some surf. Right now the East ATL low looks like a pretty weak system but winds between this and a developing Azores ridge may be good enough to mix in some lower period NNE/NE swell longer term, so we’ll watch for that.

As mentioned above another small but long period pulse fills in late Wednesday and is well established for Thursday. This is nothing XL and very approachable but the swell/surf should have some power behind it with the longer periods. Most size is at N coast spots but the longer swell periods/direction will allow plenty of surf to get into Rincon as well – nothing huge but likely very rippable surf.

Once the US East Coast storm sets up midweek between Greenland/Iceland, we may see a small fetch but containing strong winds in the Island’s window, so we’ll watch the ultra longer term for some long period swell – we wouldn’t see anything off this until next weekend (8th-9th) time frame. Right now the East ATL low looks like a pretty weak system but may be good enough to mix in some lower period NNE/NE swell longer term, so we’ll watch for that.

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