Sunday, March 18, 2012

NW CR - Sunday, March 18, 2012

Out for the Count

The rib injury from a couple of days ago has me down and out for rest of the trip. Terry and I paddled out today, I caught a wave from Rodrigo's lefts but simply couldn't hack it... paddling with my right arm, turning, pushing up from my board, turning... so get the drift. The pain was too intense. Even some light bounce on the board or any contact with the whitewater.

Paddled in, too sore to even catch one in for a ride. And the waves were so nice long period swell (17 sec), clear blue and breaking off the Rodrigo Lefts nice and fat curls on the drop.

It has been a great trip and Terry has been super company.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

NW CR - Sat, March 17, 2012

The Papagayo winds diminished overnight for some light variable breezes offshore this morning. Hit the water at 7:15am and rode the surf for about an hour and a half until my right rib side was tweaked on a hard right cutback. Rode the Rodrigo Lefts to the left of the Rock where the lava heads clearance was about 2 foot during unswelling times. Nice steep takeoffs with that little wide open curl on takeoff and several turns for about a 75 yd ride. Finally had to take a last one as the wind was putting a chop on the wave and the wavelet impacts on the drop was tearing me apart.

Nice fun session. At least the howling Papagayos finally backed off for a bit!

Friday, March 16, 2012

NW CR - Thu, March 15, 2012

I paddled out solo this afternoon at 3pm. The tide was one hour into moving towards high tide from low and the winds appeared to have slackened until I had suited up and started walking down to the paddleout zone. Then the Papagayos were back in full force. Tide was still rather low so I carefully followed the deep water sands in-between the weaving lava reefs avoiding any close encounters. What could not be avoided was the serious upwelling from the overnight and early morning fierce offshore winds... water must have dropped down to the mid-60s which was bearable if only because the air was in the low-90s.

The winds were creating a Niagra effect with the waves behind me showering my head and creating a haze during the paddle out and when catching waves there was the shower from the waves breaking towards shore. Terry said he had a hard time picking me out much of the time!

Las Olas were not very satisfactory as winds were holding them up until forced to collapse on a shallow reef and then quickly losing their energy. There were some steep drops to be had but not much else. After a half hour in the line-up I started working my way shorewards.

NW CR - Fri, March 16, 2012.

Winds started up with a vengeance around 4am. Waveriding prospects do not appear good for today. Word is the Papagayos are suppose to back off in a day or so. Santa Ana Winds depression is setting in!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

NW CR - Wed, March 14, 2012

Back At The Wash

Great afternoon surf in some good punchy surf, taking off right of the Rock, in front of the Rock (The Wash) and just inside left of the Rock (inside of Rod's Rock Place). Some great drops at right of the Rock with the barrel smacking over the Rock with some connecting for a long ride. Much fun all around. Twenty-two hours of healing and some advil did the trick. Terry connected on some very nice drops of 6 to 8 feet with some solid 6 foot walls.

NW CR - Tue, March 13, 2012

Pounding at The Wash

Terry and I paddled out to The Wash yesterday afternoon after the swell had filled in during the day. The tide was rising with a high tide around 6:30p. Combined with the 5 foot, 17 sec periods was creating some pumping, pounding, pitching waves.

My first few waves were takeoffs just outside the northside of The Rock. These suckers were going tricky with a pounding throwing lip of white water. The first wave did a funny pounding throw of me, airborne I was and then pounding onto my board on my right side that totally smacked my rib cage from my lower to upper side -- it was to remain very tender rest of the session and now into the day after. Advil is helping and I hope to hit The Wash again this afternoon.

Wave two was a near repeat -- I made the ski jump landing but then the lip of the whitewater violently separated me from the board -- also lost my right contact on that one.

Wave three was a nothing. Wave #4 was a near-epic ride way into the paddle out zone. We surfed the next hour and a half. At that point between only half seeing and the building cross chop which was creating a skipping rock effect across the face of the wave and just pounding my ribcage all the more.

Caught a long one nearly in. Then some fun ensued. The waves were washing way up onto the beach creating a huge outflow rip. I was getting nowhere trying to paddle in so paddled over to the north section to catch a wavelet further towards the shore. But, what was going on there was more like the Waimea shore break. That was a No Go option. So, I paddled back to the south side to ride/paddle in between the normally exposed reef in front of the walking path and made my way in.

The Outer Wash is going off now at midday but no way I can go out there with my bad side (can't paddle effectively with my right arm for one thing) so will wait for The Wash to start working at the mid-tide with the rising tide.

Papagayo winds were fierce overnight and all morning but have now subsided to *just* Papagayo winds.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

NW CR - Sun, March 11, 2012

We started out at The Wash (the Rock) this morning, hitting the water around 7:15a, surfed there a bit. The winds were still blowing offshore but not so fiercely like the past 3 days and the waves just weren't working super well at the Rock. So, I started talking up Terry to going straight out where it was breaking outside with some big ones, at what I will call Brother of Outer Wash. After about 15 minutes we paddled way out there and before you knew it were over at Outer Wash. The wind was sitll mild on the far outside and some nice 8 foot waves were rolling in with some bigger ones.

Terry caught the first wave of a good set from over on the shoulder side for a nice drop and I started paddling out further for the next one in the set, turned and caught a nice freight train drop with the lip hurling over behind my right shoulder. Nice long drop and a turn and a little cutback and more down the line before it hit the deep water. We each caught another 4 or 5 waves before the wind started blowing too strongly and the tide was sucking out too much. We caught our last Outer Wash waves around 9am and paddled in. Terry is no longer an Outer Wash virgin.

What happened next was totally unexpected. After walking up the trail back to the Villa and as we approached the shower on the bluff people in the bar started standing up and clapping... then people in the dining area did the same. The ladies from the kitchen staff and front desk appeared on the grass lawn clapping and smiling. WHOA!!! We were Outer Wash surfing heroes. It was too surreal.

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 11 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/11 6am 3 - 7 SSW 194 4.9 13.3 12 - 17 ENE 54
3/11 12pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.5 13.2 9 - 13 NE 38
3/11 6pm 3 - 6 SSW 195 4.4 12.8 14 - 19 NE 38

3/12 6am 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.9 12.5 15 - 21 ENE 53
3/12 12pm 3 - 6 SSW 193 4.4 12.3 9 - 13 NE 38
3/12 6pm 2 - 5 SSW 194 4.1 11.9 11 - 15 NE 35

3/13 12pm 4 - 9 SSW 199 4.2 18.4 7 - 10 NE 31
3/13 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 201 4.4 17.3 9 - 12 NE 32

3/14 6am 4 - 9 SSW 204 4.9 16.4 13 - 18 NE 45
3/14 12pm 4 - 9 SSW 203 4.8 16.3 8 - 11 NNE 27
3/14 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 206 4.9 15.5 14 - 19 NE 33

3/15 6am 4 - 8 SSW 203 4.9 15.1 13 - 18 NE 44
3/15 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 208 4.7 14.4 9 - 13 NNE 29
3/15 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 206 4.4 14.3 10 - 13 NE 36

3/16 6am 3 - 6 SSW 208 3.8 13.6 11 - 15 ENE 53
3/16 12pm 2 - 5 SSW 206 3.6 13.4 4 - 6 NNE 20
3/16 6pm 2 - 5 SSW 204 3.6 13.4 0 - 1 NNW 347

3/17 6am 2 - 5 SSW 204 3.3 12.7 9 - 13 NE 34
3/17 12pm 2 - 4 SSW 201 3.3 12.6 3 - 4 NNE 19
3/17 6pm 2 - 5 SSW 198 3.5 12.5 1 - 2 SSW 203

3/18 12am 3 - 7 SW 212 3.5 17.7 9 - 13 ENE 55

Friday, March 9, 2012

NW CR - Thu, March 8, 2012

Terry and I paddled out around 10:30am as the rising tide hit midway. The swell filled in overnight. The Papagayo winds howled stronger last night than ever before ripping off part of one of the hammock houses on the hill. Winds were still blowing rather hard offshore when we paddled out, probably 20 to 30 kts with higher gusts. For that reason we didn't paddle out to the Outer Wash which was really breaking at what we will call the Midway Wash and more directly behind the Rock rather than over at the Outer Wash spot on that 45 degree angle track from the shore launching point.

The first hour and a half were rather organized. The usual Wash takeoff spot just wasn't working and the tide was still low at my takeoff spot on the southside of the Rock. There were some waves to catch on the northside of the Rock and maybe about 10-15 yds out, but the sets were very tricky and more often than not were breaking behind the Rock in beautiful fashion, big open face tubes right into the Rock.

As the tide filled in The Wash started working and eventually my takeoff zone next or just outside the Rock. I'll call the waves 5-8 foot although a couple of my drop about 30-30 yds outside the Rock southside seemed a little bigger.

Finally exited the water between 2:30 and 3pm, totally toasted, tired and refreshed. Took a quick shower and enjoyed two piƱa coladas.

My new, modified S&S Checkered RPM worked like a charm. I am keeping her :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0305 am

Looks like 5 days of decent swell before it subsides.

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 05 00Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/5 6am 2 - 5 SW 212 3.6 12.6 12 - 17 NE 49
3/5 12pm 2 - 5 SW 210 3.9 12.2 11 - 15 NE 34
3/5 6pm 3 - 6 SW 217 4.4 11.9 15 - 20 NE 45

3/6 6am 1 - 2 NE 32 5.1 4.6 16 - 22 NE 38
3/6 12pm 3 - 6 WSW 242 4.9 10.7 14 - 19 NE 44
3/6 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 19 5.0 4.8 18 - 25 NE 37

3/7 6am 1 - 3 NNE 24 5.3 4.8 18 - 25 NE 45
3/7 12pm 4 - 9 SSW 202 4.9 15.5 14 - 19 NE 45
3/7 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 202 5.2 15.3 18 - 25 NE 44

3/8 6am 4 - 9 SSW 199 5.2 14.6 16 - 21 ENE 54
3/8 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 201 4.9 14.5 11 - 16 ENE 52
3/8 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 4.5 15.3 11 - 16 NE 43

3/9 6am 4 - 8 SSW 194 5.0 14.4 13 - 18 ENE 54
3/9 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 5.0 14.2 6 - 9 ENE 53
3/9 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 192 4.9 15.3 10 - 13 NE 35

3/10 6am 4 - 9 SSW 192 5.2 14.4 13 - 18 NE 49
3/10 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.0 14.0 8 - 11 NE 46
3/10 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.7 13.6 10 - 13 NE 39

3/11 7am 3 - 7 SSW 194 4.7 13.3 12 - 17 ENE 53
3/11 1pm 3 - 6 SSW 193 4.1 13.2 4 - 6 NE 31
3/11 7pm 2 - 5 SSW 195 3.8 12.8 4 - 6 NNE 11

A friend sent this message this afternoon:

Southern Pacific is lighting up!
March has started off with strong storm activity organizing in the South Pacific ocean. The first swell will fill in from the S over the weekend of March 9-11 for C. America locations (a few days earlier for S. America locations) and should be in the shoulder to head high range. A much bigger SSW swell from an intense system on the 72hr model runs now should fill in on March 13 and 14 for C. America locations and last through the weekend of March 17-18 (a few days earlier for S. America locations), putting all locations into well overhead surf and some locations into double-overhead + surf. Very long range models 6-8 days out are showing more strong SW swell activity for the middle to end of the month. March should be a big winner and anyone who makes the trip to score some early season gems should also enjoy minimal crowd factor for most areas before the peak travel season gets underway in April and May.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0304 noon

No word from my buddy, Moses, who should've been down at the Cove since March 1st. Looking forward to getting wet late on the 6th. Looks like waves!

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 04 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/4 6am 2 - 4 SSW 208 2.5 14.0 5 - 7 NNE 21
3/4 12pm 2 - 4 SW 211 2.8 13.6 9 - 12 NNW 342

3/5 6am 2 - 5 SW 211 3.8 12.6 13 - 17 NE 39
3/5 12pm 2 - 5 SSW 209 4.0 12.2 11 - 16 NE 32

3/6 6am 1 - 3 NNE 23 5.5 4.9 18 - 24 NE 42
3/6 12pm 1 - 3 NNE 27 5.2 5.0 16 - 21 NE 43
3/6 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 26 4.8 4.9 16 - 22 NE 39

3/7 6am 1 - 2 NNE 27 5.1 4.8 17 - 23 NE 47
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.8 15.5 13 - 18 ENE 51
3/7 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.8 15.3 17 - 23 NE 44

3/8 6am 4 - 9 SSW 199 5.5 14.6 16 - 22 ENE 56
3/8 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 201 5.0 14.5 10 - 13 ENE 59
3/8 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 4.5 15.3 10 - 13 NE 44

3/9 6am 4 - 9 SSW 194 5.4 14.4 15 - 20 ENE 52
3/9 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 5.2 14.2 7 - 10 NE 46
3/9 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 192 4.9 15.3 8 - 11 NE 34

3/10 6am 4 - 8 SSW 192 5.0 14.3 12 - 17 ENE 54
3/10 12pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.7 14.0 4 - 5 NE 38
3/10 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.4 13.6 3 - 4 NNE 24

3/11 12am 3 - 6 SSW 194 4.3 13.4 10 - 14 ENE 61

Saturday, March 3, 2012

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0303 am

What can I say? This is looking awesome for my first several days :)

My arrival day, Mar 6th, bops back and forth, as to when the swell actually fills in. Now it looks like an overnight event. Low tide will be unfavorable upon arrival anyway... hmmm, maybe not so bad after all: 01:25 PM/8.03 ft, 07:28 PM/0.69 ft.

See the evening update below.

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 03 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/3 6am 1 - 3 SSW 207 2.7 12.1 7 - 10 ENE 53
3/3 12pm 1 - 3 SW 216 2.7 12.3 2 - 3 NW 315

3/4 6am 2 - 4 SSW 208 2.6 13.9 8 - 10 NNE 29
3/4 12pm 2 - 4 SW 211 2.9 13.6 9 - 12 NNW 337

3/5 6am 3 - 6 SW 211 4.2 12.6 14 - 20 NE 40
3/5 12pm 3 - 6 SSW 209 4.3 12.2 12 - 17 NE 35

3/6 6am 1 - 3 NE 33 5.6 4.7 18 - 25 NE 40
3/6 12pm 1 - 3 NNE 21 5.3 5.0 16 - 21 NE 45
3/6 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 26 5.0 4.8 18 - 25 NE 41

3/7 6am 4 - 9 SSW 200 4.9 15.6 16 - 22 NE 44
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.6 15.5 11 - 15 NE 41
3/7 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.4 15.3 14 - 20 NE 41

3/8 6am 4 - 8 SSW 199 4.9 14.6 14 - 20 NE 48
3/8 12pm 3 - 7 SSW 201 4.5 14.5 8 - 12 ENE 52
3/8 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.3 15.3 10 - 14 NE 38

3/9 6am 4 - 9 SSW 194 5.4 14.5 14 - 19 NE 48
3/9 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.2 14.2 9 - 13 NE 43
3/9 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 192 5.0 15.3 11 - 15 NE 41

3/10 12am 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.2 14.5 15 - 20 NE 49

Evening update... trending well:
3/5 6pm 3 - 7 SW 221 4.9 11.9 18 - 25 NE 38

3/6 12am 3 - 6 WSW 242 5.0 11.5 17 - 23 NE 45
3/6 6am 1 - 3 NNE 18 5.5 4.8 17 - 23 NE 40
3/6 12pm 1 - 3 NNE 22 5.0 5.0 15 - 20 NE 43
3/6 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 205 4.7 16.6 16 - 22 NE 39

3/7 12am 1 - 2 NE 42 5.0 4.6 16 - 22 NE 46
3/7 6am 4 - 9 SSW 200 5.0 15.6 17 - 23 NE 46
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.6 15.5 12 - 16 NE 42
3/7 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.5 15.3 15 - 21 NE 43

3/8 12am 4 - 9 SSW 198 5.1 14.9 17 - 23 ENE 51
3/8 6am 4 - 9 SSW 199 5.2 14.6 16 - 21 ENE 51
3/8 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 201 4.7 14.5 8 - 11 ENE 62
3/8 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 4.4 15.3 9 - 12 NE 48

3/9 12am 4 - 8 SSW 193 4.9 15.2 15 - 20 ENE 53
3/9 6am 4 - 9 SSW 195 5.3 14.4 14 - 19 ENE 53
3/9 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 5.0 14.2 5 - 7 NE 42
3/9 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 192 4.9 15.3 9 - 12 NE 41

3/10 12am 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.0 14.9 14 - 19 NE 46
3/10 6am 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.0 14.3 13 - 18 NE 39
3/10 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 194 4.8 14.0 9 - 13 NNE 24

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0303 am

What can I say? This is looking awesome for my first several days :)

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 03 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/3 12am 1 - 3 SSW 207 2.3 12.2 6 - 9 ENE 77
3/3 6am 1 - 3 SSW 207 2.7 12.1 7 - 10 ENE 53
3/3 12pm 1 - 3 SW 216 2.7 12.3 2 - 3 NW 315
3/3 6pm 1 - 3 SW 215 2.6 12.4 8 - 11 W 272

3/4 12am 1 - 3 SW 214 2.6 12.6 3 - 5 NE 31
3/4 6am 2 - 4 SSW 208 2.6 13.9 8 - 10 NNE 29
3/4 12pm 2 - 4 SW 211 2.9 13.6 9 - 12 NNW 337
3/4 6pm 3 - 6 SW 213 4.0 13.2 16 - 21 NNE 23

3/5 12am 2 - 5 SW 210 3.8 12.7 13 - 18 NE 38
3/5 6am 3 - 6 SW 211 4.2 12.6 14 - 20 NE 40
3/5 12pm 3 - 6 SSW 209 4.3 12.2 12 - 17 NE 35
3/5 6pm 3 - 6 SW 226 4.6 11.9 17 - 23 NE 46

3/6 12am 3 - 6 WSW 250 5.0 11.5 17 - 23 NE 41
3/6 6am 1 - 3 NE 33 5.6 4.7 18 - 25 NE 40
3/6 12pm 1 - 3 NNE 21 5.3 5.0 16 - 21 NE 45
3/6 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 26 5.0 4.8 18 - 25 NE 41

3/7 12am 1 - 2 NE 40 5.0 4.7 16 - 22 NE 45
3/7 6am 4 - 9 SSW 200 4.9 15.6 16 - 22 NE 44
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.6 15.5 11 - 15 NE 41
3/7 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.4 15.3 14 - 20 NE 41

3/8 12am 4 - 8 SSW 198 5.0 14.9 15 - 21 NE 49
3/8 6am 4 - 8 SSW 199 4.9 14.6 14 - 20 NE 48
3/8 12pm 3 - 7 SSW 201 4.5 14.5 8 - 12 ENE 52
3/8 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 193 4.3 15.3 10 - 14 NE 38

3/9 12am 4 - 9 SSW 192 5.0 15.2 15 - 21 ENE 56
3/9 6am 4 - 9 SSW 194 5.4 14.5 14 - 19 NE 48
3/9 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.2 14.2 9 - 13 NE 43
3/9 6pm 4 - 9 SSW 192 5.0 15.3 11 - 15 NE 41

3/10 12am 4 - 8 SSW 193 5.2 14.5 15 - 20 NE 49

Friday, March 2, 2012

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0302am

Forecast is holding up :) Papa G is calling the upcoming swell the "Pitcairn swell," in his forecast notes: Later on in the evening there could start to be some little peaky forerunners from the Pitcairn swell. Stand out breaks could see some chest high sets with periods around 15 seconds.

Sunday the 4th, spotty SSW (205-215) should be filling in with periods around 13 to 14 seconds. Size could boost up into the waist to head high range at stand out breaks, but it looks like it could be hit or miss. The original fetch wasn’t very ideal, and had a bad trajectory for the region, so just keep that in mind if you get skunked.

Beyond that, it looks like small surf for a few more days, but we could see a small bump showing up around the 7th of March.

Meanwhile, the reliable Buoyweather forecast is looking good:

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 02 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec) (kts) (deg)
------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------
3/2 6am 2 - 5 SW 214 3.6 13.0 11 - 16 ENE 64
3/2 12pm 2 - 5 SW 220 3.2 13.2 2 - 3 ENE 67

3/3 6am 2 - 4 SSW 207 2.8 12.1 7 - 10 NE 40
3/3 12pm 2 - 4 SW 216 2.8 12.3 1 - 1 N 5

3/4 6am 2 - 4 SSW 208 2.6 14.0 7 - 10 NE 31
3/4 12pm 2 - 4 SW 211 2.8 13.6 6 - 9 NNW 341

3/5 6am 3 - 6 SW 211 4.3 12.6 15 - 21 NE 41
3/5 12pm 3 - 6 SSW 209 4.5 12.2 14 - 19 NE 40
3/5 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 19 4.9 4.9 18 - 24 NE 45

3/6 6am 3 - 7 W 263 5.4 11.1 17 - 24 NE 42
3/6 12pm 3 - 6 WSW 255 5.0 10.9 14 - 19 NE 38
3/6 6pm 1 - 2 NNE 23 5.0 4.9 18 - 24 NE 38

3/7 6am 1 - 2 NNE 24 5.2 4.8 17 - 24 NE 41
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 203 4.6 15.5 11 - 15 NE 40
3/7 6pm 3 - 7 SSW 202 4.3 15.3 14 - 19 NE 39

3/8 6am 3 - 7 SSW 199 4.6 14.6 12 - 17 NE 45
3/8 12pm 3 - 7 SSW 201 4.5 14.6 7 - 10 NE 31
3/8 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 193 4.5 15.3 11 - 14 NE 40

3/9 12am 4 - 8 SSW 197 4.9 14.9 14 - 19 NE 48

Thursday, March 1, 2012

NW CR Forecast of 2012-0301am - Okay!

Model Cycle: 2012 MAR 01 06Z
Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours
(ft) (deg) (ft) (sec)
------- -------- ----- ------ -------
3/1 12pm 0 - 1 NNE 20 3.5 4.6
3/1 6pm 2 - 5 SW 223 3.2 13.9

3/2 12pm 2 - 5 SW 220 3.4 13.2
3/2 6pm 2 - 4 SW 219 2.9 13.2

3/3 12pm 1 - 3 SW 216 2.7 12.3
3/3 6pm 1 - 3 SW 215 2.6 12.4

3/4 12pm 2 - 4 SW 211 2.9 13.6
3/4 6pm 2 - 5 SW 213 3.2 13.2

3/5 12pm 2 - 5 SW 210 3.6 12.2
3/5 6pm 2 - 5 SW 211 3.9 11.9

3/6 6am 3 - 6 W 264 5.0 11.1
3/6 12pm 3 - 6 WSW 252 4.7 10.8
3/6 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 205 4.5 16.6

3/7 6am 4 - 8 SSW 200 4.6 15.6
3/7 12pm 4 - 8 SSW 203 4.5 15.6
3/7 6pm 4 - 8 SSW 202 4.4 15.3

3/8 12am 4 - 8 SSW 198 4.8 14.9
3/8 5am 4 - 9 SSW 200 5.4 14.6 16 - 22 NE 46
3/8 11am 4 - 9 SSW 201 5.3 14.7 13 - 18 NE 39