Friday, March 16, 2012

NW CR - Thu, March 15, 2012

I paddled out solo this afternoon at 3pm. The tide was one hour into moving towards high tide from low and the winds appeared to have slackened until I had suited up and started walking down to the paddleout zone. Then the Papagayos were back in full force. Tide was still rather low so I carefully followed the deep water sands in-between the weaving lava reefs avoiding any close encounters. What could not be avoided was the serious upwelling from the overnight and early morning fierce offshore winds... water must have dropped down to the mid-60s which was bearable if only because the air was in the low-90s.

The winds were creating a Niagra effect with the waves behind me showering my head and creating a haze during the paddle out and when catching waves there was the shower from the waves breaking towards shore. Terry said he had a hard time picking me out much of the time!

Las Olas were not very satisfactory as winds were holding them up until forced to collapse on a shallow reef and then quickly losing their energy. There were some steep drops to be had but not much else. After a half hour in the line-up I started working my way shorewards.

NW CR - Fri, March 16, 2012.

Winds started up with a vengeance around 4am. Waveriding prospects do not appear good for today. Word is the Papagayos are suppose to back off in a day or so. Santa Ana Winds depression is setting in!!!

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