Saturday, June 17, 2017

CRNW Forecast of 2017-0617, Sat (The Day Before The Day Before)

Guess it is still the day before the day before as first fins in the water will be Monday and tomorrow is a travel day (tides wrong on our late afternoon arrival).

Buoyweather only shows the primary swell for each hourly entry but you can see around 6/21/17 that there two co-dominant swells. The longer period dominant swell is good sized with periodicity of 16-17 sec in the table below. For some reason this doesn't always show up in the preeminent surf forecasting service--which also happends to own Buoyweather--so one can scratch their head wondering,"Isn't data, data?" 

One thing seems certain: there will be waves and the nature of the waves will vary widely over the course of two weeks with nearly daily variations (as reflected in the color table below).

  Model Cycle: 2017 JUN 17 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
6/17  12am   4 -  8   SW 210    5.2    12.7    5 -  7    S 177
6/17   6am   5 - 11    S 189    5.3    17.4    5 -  6   SW 210
6/17  12pm   5 - 10  SSW 191    5.3    16.6    6 -  8  SSE 161
6/17   6pm   5 - 10  SSW 192    5.3    16.3    6 -  8  SSE 155
6/18   6am   5 - 11  SSW 195    6.0    16.0    7 - 10    S 188
6/18  12pm   5 - 11  SSW 195    6.3    15.6    5 -  7  SSE 154
6/18   6pm   5 - 11  SSW 195    6.3    15.4    7 - 10  SSW 197
6/19   6am   5 - 11  SSW 192    6.2    15.1    3 -  4  SSE 166
6/19  12pm   5 - 11  SSW 192    6.2    14.9    6 -  8  SSW 193
6/19   6pm   5 - 10    S 189    6.2    14.5    4 -  6  SSW 209
6/20   6am   5 - 10    S 188    6.1    13.8    5 -  7    W 268
6/20  12pm   4 -  9    S 187    6.0    13.7    6 -  8  WNW 290
6/20   6pm   4 -  9    S 185    5.9    13.5    6 -  8    W 266
6/21  12am   6 - 12   SW 215    5.8    17.7    2 -  3   NW 320
6/21   6am   4 -  9    S 181    5.6    13.5    1 -  1  SSE 160
6/21  12pm   4 -  8    S 181    5.6    13.1    4 -  6    S 176
6/21   6pm   5 - 11   SW 215    5.7    16.6    6 -  8  SSW 193
6/22  12am   5 - 11   SW 215    5.7    16.4    6 -  8  SSE 151
6/22   6am   4 -  9  SSW 195    5.6    13.3    5 -  7   SE 141
6/22  12pm   5 - 10   SW 213    5.4    15.4    2 -  3    S 180
6/22   6pm   4 -  9   SW 214    5.3    15.2    5 -  7    S 187
6/23  12am   4 -  9   SW 210    5.3    14.4    4 -  6  SSW 192
6/23   6am   3 -  7    S 189    5.2    12.8    2 -  3    E  97
6/23  12pm   5 - 10   SW 227    5.0    17.7    5 -  7  WSW 246
6/23   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 190    4.9    12.6    6 -  8    W 275
6/24  12am   4 -  9   SW 227    4.8    16.6    6 -  8  WNW 302


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