Friday, March 14, 2014

CRNW Forecast and Report, Fri 2014-0314a

Swell is definitely strong as well as the Papagayos which started blowing overnight. Waiting for the high tide to paddleout.

P.M. Update: Hit is for two hours until the winds turned onshore and even surfed for a half hour in those big but sloppier conditions -- still good rides to be hand but more of an effort to paddle out into the wind and surface chop. Waves were peaking at 8 foot.

  Model Cycle: 2014 MAR 14 06Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 7 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
3/14   5am   4 -  8  SSW 192    4.3    16.2   13 - 17   NE  45
3/14  11am   4 -  8  SSW 191    4.6    15.5    9 - 12   NE  38
3/14   5pm   4 -  8  SSW 194    4.5    15.3    6 -  8  ENE  72

3/15   5am   3 -  7  SSW 196    4.2    14.4   10 - 14  ENE  59
3/15  11am   3 -  6  SSW 200    3.9    14.2    1 -  1    E  83
3/15   5pm   3 -  6  SSW 197    3.7    13.6    5 -  7  WSW 235

3/16   5am   2 -  5  SSW 204    3.3    13.3    7 -  9  ENE  63
3/16  11am   2 -  4  SSW 196    3.1    12.8    3 -  4  WSW 259
3/16   5pm   2 -  4  SSW 197    3.2    12.7    9 - 13  WSW 233

3/17   5am   2 -  4  SSW 198    2.9    12.4    1 -  1    N 359
3/17  11am   2 -  4  SSW 193    2.8    12.1    7 -  9  WNW 285
3/17   5pm   2 -  4  SSW 193    3.0    12.1    7 -  9    W 260

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