Friday, June 11, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of Fri, 2021-0611 (pm late)

Crazy travel day yesterday from the very beginning. Whew, it was good to twist off the cap of my Nica Flor de Caña 7yo after getting the bags basically unpacked. Yes, I did get a ding in the nose of one of my boards from faulty baggage handling... I saw it real-time as bags were being loaded at BWI and the guy just pulled it off the top and let it slide down nose first...boom and bounce.
We did a late morning surf, some light on-shores creating some surface chop and affecting the waves a bit but the lefts usually held up for awhile if there was enough punch in the wave, even better if you were on a long planning paipo board... sorry, I can't bring 4 or 5 boards down here! Tim was Wave Riding Monster of the day on his Big Black Betty Board, catching a lot of waves early-on and muscling into them. I am too lazy for all that work, but did like stretching out my surfing body parts in preparation for what is to come.
What is to come? I haven't looked at a forecast in two days. Let's see...
Some switch arounds in the forecast from 2 days ago! Two noticeable wiggles are a small next Friday, 2-3 ft and an earlier peaking swell of 7-8 ft on Sunday and Monday, following the little Friday. Looks like a rest day for me.
What the experts are saying:

Long Term Forecast Analysis (Sunday, June 13th and Beyond)

SPAC Overview:

Steep angled, long-period SSW/S swell peaks over Sunday and Monday with head high surf and overhead sets at good exposures. Standouts are pushing 2-3′ overhead on top end sets. Reinforcing SSW swell joins in on Monday to maintain those heights through mid next week, 15th-16th. Waves will be winding down going through the back half of next week, getting quite small for the 17th-18th.

However, that weekend should see surf the rebound, as it looks like another stronger, longer-period round of SW swell will be building in. That swell is due to peak by the 21st-22nd, with potential for easily overhead to well overhead surf at better breaks. More potential swell through the last few days of the month as well. So plenty to look forward to and we’ll keep you posted on the progress of these Southern Hemis as they develop.


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