Monday, June 7, 2021

CRNW Forecast of 2021-0607 (Monday noon)

Today is a small day, 2-3 ft, kind of junky looking at this hour (10am local Costa Rica time), but will pick up tomorrow and then flatten down again on Thursday. Friday looks even worse with crossed-up short period swells. A good day to stretch out the surfing muscles. Saturday brings a longer period swell from the south with a SW short period wave mixing it up. It appears this short period 2-3 ft 7 sec swell is forecast to be with us for a couple of weeks. Beginning Sunday we see the arrival of a week's worth of mid-period swell in the 13-15 sec range and then we transition into longer period swell, 16-18 sec for Jun 20-22th (Sun-Tue), but I expect that to stretch out to the 24th (Thu). Maybe 6-10 ft and larger on the outer reef.




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