Monday, May 30, 2016

CRNW Surf Forecast and Reports of 2016-0530 (Mon)

Report for Sat, May 28, 2016, arrival day.
Rather junky late yesterday afternoon but being there made it all good. Our bodies needed water orientation anyway. This morning we were at the Rock at 715a. Waves better but still a lot of Short period junk with scattered forerunners for the upcoming swell.We are starting to get settled in now. In the water mid-afternoon for about an hour+.

Report for Sun-Mon, May 29-30, 2016.
Some swell moved in overnight, about 4 hrs of solid rain overnight, and conditions were great this morning (Mon). Everyone scored some good rides. 

Yesterday was better than Saturday, but still a wave conditions transition day that showed some promise of the upcoming swell but still a lot of short period swells mixed in. Think most everyone had some good rides. Most of my good 4 to 6 rides were Northside Rock, some at The Wash. My best waves had 5-6 ft. drops with 3-4 shoulders down the line.

Today was probably 3 to 8 ft, with the best size on the Northside Rock drops. My best waves were large drops with solid 5-6 ft walls. Conditions were semi-glassy and a hint of offshores, but mostly still. Water very clear all three days.

David is coming along from his back surgery a few months back... he really hasn't been doing any serious surfing since a year ago March 2015. Tim's session this morning was the best I have ever seen... think he may have graduated to the next step up the ladder in surfriding, turning more and being more pocket-oriented with his turns. I had a wave of the day that will give me bragging rights for awhile off the Northside Rock. The boys said they saw a "bonzer in action." 

No Terry sighted! The boy is AWOL!!!
  Model Cycle: 2016 MAY 30 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
5/30  12am   4 -  8   SW 216    4.5    16.6    5 -  7    S 174
5/30   6am   4 -  8   SW 216    4.5    16.4    3 -  4    S 181
5/30  12pm   4 -  8   SW 217    4.5    15.5    5 -  6    W 273
5/30   6pm   4 -  8   SW 217    4.6    15.3    7 -  9  WSW 239
5/31   6am   4 -  8   SW 217    4.8    14.4    1 -  2  SSW 194
5/31  12pm   4 -  9   SW 216    4.8    16.6    5 -  7    W 262
5/31   6pm   4 -  9   SW 214    4.8    16.3    6 -  8   SW 222
6/1    6am   4 -  8   SW 214    4.7    15.4    1 -  1    E  93
6/1   12pm   4 -  8   SW 212    4.8    15.3    2 -  3   SW 221
6/1    6pm   4 -  8   SW 214    4.8    14.8    5 -  6  WSW 241
6/2    6am   3 -  7   SW 212    4.3    14.4    2 -  3   NW 324
6/2   12pm   3 -  7   SW 211    4.1    14.2    4 -  5    S 179
6/2    6pm   3 -  6   SW 214    4.1    13.8    6 -  8    S 180
6/3    6am   3 -  6   SW 211    3.9    13.5    3 -  4   SE 146
6/3   12pm   3 -  6   SW 211    4.3    13.3    7 - 10   SW 222
6/3    6pm   2 -  4   SW 217    5.6     7.3   11 - 15   SW 219
6/4    6am   3 -  7  SSW 209    5.0    12.5   11 - 16  SSE 169
6/4   12pm   3 -  7   SW 210    4.8    12.3   12 - 17  SSE 162
6/4    6pm   1 -  3   SW 225    5.1     6.0   14 - 19    S 181
6/5    6am   2 -  4   SW 225    6.2     6.5   15 - 20   SW 212
6/5   12pm   2 -  5   SW 223    6.4     6.8   14 - 20   SW 212
6/5    6pm   2 -  5   SW 226    6.9     7.2   14 - 19  SSW 208
6/6   12am   2 -  5  WSW 230    6.7     7.3   13 - 18  SSW 194

Forecast of Fri, May 27th, 2016
Effective Friday evening

Please Note: All times and dates on this page are local time. Surfline offers this forecast three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 7PM.
Highlights: Fun size S swell Saturday. A larger series of SW/SSW swells move in for the new week.  

On Saturday the current SSW swell (210-200) will be fading in size and coming down in period (12-14s). Look for the better exposed breaks to see surf in the chest-head high range, while standout spots are a bit overhead in the morning. The surf will trend down through the afternoon.

New, long period forerunners from the SW (225-215) will gradually build in through Sunday as the above SSW swell fades. This first pulse of swell will top out on Monday with surf in the head high+ range for most breaks, while good spots are up to 2-3' overhead. Standouts may even be a little better here and there.

A reinforcing pulse of SW swell (220-205) will build in through Tuesday and peak late Tuesday and into Wednesday. During that time we expect to see overhead surf at many exposed breaks, while good spots will be from a couple feet overhead up to double overhead on sets. Standout deepwater spots may see a few larger waves.

Wind/Weather: Wind will be generally light in the early mornings through the weekend and into early next week. Onshore flow develops by mid mornings and continues for the afternoons. A few spots may see a clean up in the evenings. Most of the region will see partly to mostly cloudy skies each day. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible and keep in mind that passing or nearby showers and thunderstorms can temporarily affect/change local wind conditions.   

EXTENDED FORECAST (THURSDAY, June 2nd, and beyond)  
Highlights: Decreasing SW swell for Thur/Fri and into the following weekend. The week of the 6th looks pretty slow at this time, with mid month holding better potential.  

South Pacific Swell: The SW swell discussed in the short term forecast above will be trending down by Thur/Fri (but still mid becoming fun size), with smaller leftovers by the weekend of the 4th-5th.

Going further out, the week of the 6th looks pretty slow at this time, with potential for a couple of small/rideable pulses during the 6th-9th (2-3' occ. 4' faces if storms behave as currently forecast).

The middle part of June holds better potential, as longer range guidance indicates we'll see renewed storm activity near New Zealand during the first week of June. Note that there are some differences among our more trusted global weather models on the strength, location and track of these potential storms(with the GFS model, which powers all available online swell models perhaps a bit optimistic), so we're lower confidence on any swell specifics this far out. Stay tuned, we'll have more details over our next few updates.  


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