Monday, February 22, 2016

CRNW Forecast of 2016-0222am Mon

More experimenting with the color coding of swell directions (200-210 is the Galapagos shadow zone; caveat, our actual zone isn't that wide but refer to the notes at the right on the blog).

Table 1.
  Model Cycle: 2016 FEB 22 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
2/22   6am   3 -  7   SW 212    4.5    13.9   12 - 17  ENE  62 MON
2/22  12pm   3 -  6   SW 216    3.9    13.9    5 -  7  WSW 231
2/22   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 190    3.5    17.6    7 - 10   SW 225
2/23   6am   3 -  7  SSW 191    3.8    16.3    8 - 12   NE  40 TUE
2/23  12pm   3 -  7  SSW 190    3.8    15.5    8 - 11  WSW 251
2/23   6pm   3 -  6  SSW 192    3.8    15.2    3 -  4  WSW 232
2/24   6am   2 -  5  SSW 192    3.5    14.2    3 -  5   NE  42 WED
2/24  12pm   2 -  5  SSW 193    3.4    13.6    7 - 10  WNW 280
2/24   6pm   2 -  5  SSW 194    3.3    13.3    5 -  7    W 261
2/25   6am   3 -  6  SSW 203    3.5    16.6   10 - 14  NNE  26 THU
2/25  12pm   4 -  8  SSW 197    4.3    16.5   12 - 17  NNE  12
2/25   6pm   4 -  8  SSW 199    4.6    15.7   11 - 15    E  95
2/26   6am   5 - 10  SSW 202    5.5    15.3   17 - 23   NE  44 FRI
2/26  12pm   4 -  9  SSW 200    5.4    14.7   13 - 18   NE  37
2/26   6pm   4 -  9  SSW 203    5.4    14.5   18 - 25  ENE  56
2/27   6am   5 - 10  SSW 200    5.7    14.6   16 - 22   NE  41 SAT
2/27  12pm   4 -  9  SSW 198    5.6    14.4   13 - 18  NNE  27
2/27   6pm   5 - 10  SSW 200    6.1    13.8   20 - 27   NE  46
2/28   6am   6 - 13  WNW 292    6.3    18.1   15 - 20  ENE  51 SUN
2/28  12pm   6 - 12  WNW 293    6.1    17.6   13 - 17   NE  44
2/28   6pm   6 - 12  WNW 291    6.2    16.8   19 - 25   NE  49
2/29  12am   5 - 11  WNW 291    6.0    16.4   15 - 21  ENE  61 MON
In Table 2, two days pick tick-up from 1-2 ft surf to 3-4 ft surf, roughly corresponding to 
the uptick in swell size + swell direction favorables in the Table 1.
Table 2. 
Table 3 for Fri, Sat and Sun also show an untick in SW swell surf size with the yellow rows in the Table 1
being on the border of the shadow zone. Also note the table below has slightly more south showing.
What is perplexing is the divergence in the WNW swell numbers in Table 1 (large long period 
swell) whereas Table 3 shows small long period swell and resulting small near shore waves.
Table 3. 
Bottom Line: We would have surf throughout this period with some days smaller and some larger (head 
high or plus), but some really big swell from the WNW that is well-suited for the North SR's Cove discovery 
surf break.

Table 4, the Long Range Forecast.

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