Friday, June 6, 2014

CRNW Forecast and Rpt, Fri 2014-0606a (w/Bonzer Paipo Update)

Beautiful sunny blue skies with scatters high white clouds. Surf was 4-6 ft@The Wash mostly and a couple Northside Rock. Some good waves were to be had :) Tim said it was one of his all time best sessions (he is riding Red, formerly mine and then Rick Miale). Terry caught lots of good waves as well. All around good.

Bonzer Trials Update. Bonzer Fin Arrangements (same as yesterday): 2 sidebites forward, 2 small Bonzer runners aft (replacing the larger Bonzer runners), 4.5 FCS PC-5 Blue H-comb center fin at roughly the baseline position.

Another good day. This configuration is working well. I am certainly getting more dialed in. Even found myself paddling to one of the more sketchy take off zones so confidence must be gaining. Came our of some late take off, air drops and hard turns shining. Will stick with this config for a couple of days. Forecast is for smaller waves over the weekend and then a new swell filling in.

  Model Cycle: 2014 JUN 06 12Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
6/6    6am   3 -  7  SSW 207    4.4    14.4    3 -  5   NE  49 FRI
6/6   12pm   3 -  7  SSW 207    4.3    14.2    3 -  5  WSW 258
6/6    6pm   3 -  6  SSW 209    4.2    13.7    6 -  9  WSW 234

6/7    6am   3 -  6  SSW 204    3.9    13.5    3 -  5   NE  31 SAT
6/7   12pm   3 -  6  SSW 199    3.8    13.2    1 -  1  NNW 343
6/7    6pm   2 -  5  SSW 204    3.7    12.9    5 -  7   SW 227

6/8    6am   2 -  5  SSW 198    3.7    12.6    3 -  4  ENE  66 SUN
6/8   12pm   3 -  6   SW 216    3.8    14.5    2 -  3  WSW 230
6/8    6pm   4 -  8   SW 216    3.9    19.1    6 -  8   SW 223

6/9    6am   4 -  8   SW 217    4.2    17.9    2 -  4   NE  37 MON
6/9   12pm   4 -  9   SW 216    4.4    17.6    3 -  4  SSW 202
6/9    6pm   4 -  9   SW 217    4.5    17.0    5 -  7   SW 217

6/10   6am   4 -  9   SW 215    4.6    16.4    2 -  3  WSW 233 TUE
6/10  12pm   4 -  8   SW 217    4.7    15.9    4 -  6  WSW 251
6/10   6pm   4 -  8   SW 215    4.7    15.6    4 -  6  WSW 241

6/11   6am   4 -  8  SSW 201    4.7    15.4    1 -  2   NE  32 WED
6/11  12pm   4 -  8  SSW 199    4.6    14.9    5 -  7   SW 227
6/11   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 198    4.6    14.4    7 -  9  SSW 207

6/12   6am   3 -  7  SSW 194    4.4    13.5    3 -  4    S 175 THU
6/12  12pm   3 -  6  SSW 196    4.3    13.2    4 -  5  WSW 238
6/12   6pm   4 -  8   SW 213    4.2    16.5    3 -  5  WSW 243

6/13   6am   3 -  7  SSW 209    4.1    15.4    2 -  3    S 173 FRI
Swell Conditions: 3-4 feet with a dominant SW med-period swell.
Primary Swell: 2.8ft. 13.6 seconds 218 degrees (SW)
Secondary Swell: 0.9ft. 17.7 seconds 213 degrees (SSW)
Tides: 08:54 am (7.68ft)
       03:01 pm (2.03ft)
       09:16 pm (7.02ft) 


Surf Height: 5-5ft
4ft at 15s SSW (197°), 1ft at 14s SW (225°), 1ft at 6s W (265°)


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