Friday, June 19, 2015

CRNW Forecast and Report for Fri, 2015-0619

The Final Surf Report: Tim's wake-up alarms started ringing at 4:15a, I crawled out of bed at 5a, make some coffee and wandered outside to assess the surf conditions. Offshore winds, check. Swell breaking on the rocks and at the far southern point, check. Condition; Green.
We were in the water by 6a, finishing up the trip in a wonderful way with good waves for all. Surf was 3 to 6 ft.
Post session grinds: eggs, bacon, gallo pinto, watermelon. Am I missing anything?
After clean-up we started the packing process. Tim and Mary head to the airport hotel for a 7a flight tomorrow morning. Tim and I are having a prepared meal of tenderloin and spaetal at our villa this evening. We will hit the road around 7a, pointed to the German restaurant near the airport for breakfast, return the rental vehicle and head to the airport. ETA to BWI is midnight.

  Model Cycle: 2015 JUN 19 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
6/19   6am   6 - 12   SW 219    5.8    17.7   15 - 20  ENE  57
6/19  12pm   5 - 11   SW 219    5.5    17.4    9 - 12  ENE  72
6/19   6pm   4 -  9   SW 219    4.8    16.6    3 -  4   SE 143

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