Monday, June 15, 2015

CRNW Forecast and Rpt of Mon, 2015-0615

Mid-morning surf. Report to follow. The forecast for the today and the next few are so divergent in Swell Size and Periodicity. How can that be? I very much like those offshore winds shown in the table below.

Update: The swell ended up being larger than the bar graph below but not as large as the table below. Early in our morning session, at mid-tide going high, Tim was shagging the mostly 2 to 3 ft waves non-stop on his FrankenPaipo. Terry and I were more frustrated as the white water assist drops were mostly white water pound downs and the faces were too soft. With the tide filling in I moved to the Rock Southside/lil' Ala Moana region where I started to pick off semi-regular face waves in the 4-5 ft range. Terry also dialed in inside the Rock with some nice rides.

Great post-session breakfast of eggs (by Mary), sliced fruit, and gallo pinto and grits (both by Tim). For dinner, the local tico restaurant and the pizza place were both closed so we ended up the the gringos place.

Sunset last night was wonderful, Venus and Mars lighting up early before the darkness, and the regular "Pirate Happy Hour" crew were on-station at the bar with their BYOB supply.

  Model Cycle: 2015 JUN 15 06Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
6/15   6am   2 -  4   SW 218    3.8    10.1   10 - 13  ENE  53
6/15  12pm   4 -  8    S 185    4.0    18.1    2 -  3  SSE 168
6/15   6pm   4 -  8    S 182    4.1    17.7    7 -  9   SW 219

6/16   6am   4 -  8    S 182    4.4    16.4   11 - 16   NE  39
6/16  12pm   4 -  8    S 186    4.6    15.3    7 -  9  ENE  79
6/16   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 199    4.5    14.7    3 -  5  SSE 153

6/17   6am   3 -  7  SSW 196    4.8    13.4   10 - 14  ENE  59
6/17  12pm   3 -  7    S 188    4.7    12.7    2 -  3  SSE 164
6/17   6pm   3 -  6    S 189    4.5    12.3    6 -  9  WSW 239

6/18   6am   2 -  5    S 179    4.5    11.1    9 - 12   NE  48
6/18  12pm   5 - 10   SW 220    4.5    19.0    2 -  3  ENE  59
6/18   6pm   5 - 10   SW 219    4.6    18.9    3 -  4    S 185

6/19   6am   4 -  9   SW 219    4.6    17.7    9 - 12   NE  46
6/19  12pm   4 -  9   SW 219    4.5    17.4    0 -  1  WSW 240
6/19   6pm   4 -  8   SW 219    4.4    16.6    2 -  3    S 174

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