Sunday, June 14, 2015

CRNW Forecast and Rpt of Sun, 2015-0614

Report to follow: It was a two-wave day for me today, one off of Lil' Ala Moana and the other from Rod's Rock Southside. Both were good waves. I would have caught a few more at Lil' except we started experiencing nice offshores and the waves started to break on the inside rather than the outside rock line. It was a light swell rolling, but true S to SW which makes for a well-formed, long wave. Always good to expereience caution with only two week of water separating the water's surface and the ragged lava reef. 

The water and skies were ultra beautiful so it was wonderful to just hang out.

Terry and Mary arrived around 1pm, and I packed, moved and settled in the casita with Tim. Dinner at the Swiss place after a happy hour sunset at our usual hotel (closed).
One can only hope that the swell starts filling in on Monday as indicated by the Buoyweather table shown below!

  Model Cycle: 2015 JUN 14 06Z        
  Time Zone: GMT - 7 hours            
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
6/14   5am   2 -  4    S 188    3.2    12.5    6 -  9  ENE  55 SUN
6/14  11am   2 -  5  SSW 190    3.4    12.3    2 -  3    N   9
6/14   5pm   2 -  4  SSW 191    3.5    11.6    3 -  4  SSW 208

6/15   5am   2 -  4   SW 211    3.8    10.8    7 -  9  ENE  54 MON
6/15  11am   3 -  6  SSW 206    3.9    13.8    1 -  2    N 356
6/15   5pm   4 -  8  SSW 191    4.0    17.7    3 -  4    S 179

6/16   5am   4 -  8    S 188    4.3    16.4    7 - 10  ENE  56 TUE
6/16  11am   3 -  7  SSW 190    4.3    15.4    1 -  1    S 170
6/16   5pm   3 -  7  SSW 201    4.3    14.7    3 -  4    S 182

6/17   5am   3 -  7  SSW 197    4.7    13.4    9 - 13  ENE  63 WED
6/17  11am   3 -  7    S 188    4.6    12.8    1 -  2   SE 135
6/17   5pm   3 -  6    S 189    4.5    12.3    5 -  6  SSW 191

6/18   5am   2 -  5    S 178    4.5    11.2    8 - 10  ENE  61 THU
6/18  11am   4 -  9   SW 225    4.3    19.0    0 -  1    S 185
6/18   5pm   4 -  9   SW 225    4.2    18.9    3 -  5   SW 212

6/19   5am   4 -  9   SW 223    4.3    17.7    6 -  8   NE  36 FRI
6/19  11am   4 -  9   SW 223    4.4    17.5    5 -  7    N   4
6/19   5pm   4 -  8   SW 221    4.4    16.6    5 -  8  NNE  21

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