Friday, January 15, 2016

PRNW Forecast and Report of Fri, 2016-0115a

It was a quick 50-minute aerobic workout this morning at PdP as the very low, low tide current was running hard. Kind of odd since the tidal changes in PR are relatively small. After "big water" the first week this "small water" at low tides seems very, very low. Evidence #1, my knee scraps and skeg chip. Anyway, the ocean created a near constant paddle to stay in-place. Solo session at the break of dawn, nicely shaped waves in the 3-5 ft. range with some concessional plus sets setting up as rights.

  Model Cycle: 2016 JAN 15 00Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/15   7am   3 -  7   NE  44    5.0    12.3    8 - 11    E  93
1/15   1pm   3 -  6   NE  41    4.8    12.0    2 -  3   NE  37
1/15   7pm   3 -  6   NE  40    4.9    11.8    2 -  3   SE 135
1/16   7am   3 -  6   NE  41    4.5    11.2    6 -  8    E  98
1/16   1pm   2 -  5   NE  42    4.3    11.0    2 -  3  WNW 285
1/16   7pm   2 -  5   NE  44    4.2    10.9    3 -  4   SE 134
1/17   7am   3 -  6   NE  39    3.8    13.5    6 -  9  ESE 104
1/17   1pm   2 -  5   NE  38    3.6    13.3    3 -  5  WNW 293
1/17   7pm   2 -  5   NE  37    3.3    13.1    2 -  3    E  81
1/18   7am   2 -  4   NE  40    2.7    12.3    5 -  7    E  95
1/18   1pm   1 -  3   NE  43    2.4    11.4    4 -  6   NW 323
1/18   7pm   1 -  3   NE  41    2.4    10.9    8 - 11  ENE  58
1/19   7am   1 -  2  NNE  21    2.4     9.2   10 - 13   NE  49
1/19   1pm   1 -  3  NNW 346    2.9    10.9   12 - 17   NE  30
1/19   7pm   1 -  3  NNW 335    3.2     9.6   13 - 18  ENE  60
1/20   7am   1 -  3  NNW 338    3.2     7.9   13 - 17  ENE  70
1/20   1pm   1 -  3  NNW 341    3.4     7.8   14 - 19   NE  49
1/20   7pm   2 -  4  NNW 344    4.8     7.3   16 - 22  ENE  74
1/21   7am   3 -  7    N 356    5.4    11.1   12 - 16    E  83
1/21   1pm   3 -  7    N 354    5.4    10.9    6 -  8  NNE  20
1/21   7pm   3 -  6    N 352    5.3    10.3    4 -  5   SE 132

Swell Info Surf: Waist high N ground swell for the morning with occasional stomach sets. This builds to stomach to shoulder high for the afternoon.


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