Tuesday, January 26, 2016

PRNW Forecast and Report of Tue, 2016-0126a

For one reason or another I have not surfed the past several days... waves too big, wrong angles, too crowded and my sleeping difficulties with waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning and not getting back to sleep until 5a or so. Today was another example of that with likely nice surf at PdP but being totally out of sorts. If the wind stays down I may make a run to check and see.

  Model Cycle: 2016 JAN 26 00Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/26   7am   3 -  6  NNW 331    5.4    10.1   15 - 20  ENE  75 TUE
1/26   1pm   5 - 10  NNW 349    6.2    13.5   17 - 23  ENE  61
1/26   7pm   5 - 10    N 352    6.8    12.5   18 - 24  ENE  78
1/27   7am   4 -  8    N 359    6.2    11.8   11 - 16    E  88 WED
1/27   1pm   4 -  8    N   3    5.8    11.7    6 -  8  ENE  63
1/27   7pm   3 -  7    N   5    5.8    11.4    8 - 12  ESE 117
1/28   7am   3 -  6  NNE  13    5.1    10.8   11 - 15  ESE 102 THU
1/28   1pm   2 -  5  NNE  17    4.6    10.4    0 -  0  ENE  51
1/28   7pm   2 -  5  NNE  20    4.4    10.3    2 -  3   SE 143
1/29   7am   2 -  4  NNE  27    3.5     9.8    6 -  8  ESE 110 FRI
1/29   1pm   1 -  3   NE  30    3.2     9.7    4 -  5  WNW 284
1/29   7pm   1 -  3   NE  35    3.1     9.5    4 -  5  NNE  29 


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