Thursday, January 21, 2016

PRNW Forecast and Report of Thu, 2016-0121a

Slept in a bit having the premonition that the surf would be a bit large or out-of-control for me today. Such it was. Checked out my spots... PdP, Pepe's Paradise and TdlR. Watched from Paradise of a half hour while sipping my coffee from the local panaderia. 

About 6 or so people out at TdlR, nobody at Paradise. Looked like some of the people in the water were knew to the area and obviously had not looked carefully at the put-in, paddleout, and come-in spots, nor any idea of contingencies. The surf wasn't breaking super hard and may have been doable for me, only because it was shorter period of 11-12 secs. A longer period would have dealt me a death blow for sure. Better safe than sorry for me.  There was also a ton of gunk floating around after the high tide, including some coconut tree parts and other logs... not exactly a safe way to paddle in! 

The next couple of days look more promising for me... or maybe, Sat/Sun.
  Model Cycle: 2016 JAN 21 00Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/21   7am   4 -  8    N 356    5.9    11.6    7 - 10    E  86
1/21   1pm   3 -  7    N 353    5.9    10.9    7 -  9  NNE  26
1/21   7pm   3 -  7    N 351    5.9    10.6   11 - 15  ENE  77
1/22   7am   3 -  7    N 354    5.6    11.4    9 - 12    E  92
1/22   1pm   3 -  7    N 354    5.2    11.2    2 -  3    N 355
1/22   7pm   3 -  7    N 355    5.2    11.3    7 -  9  SSE 162
1/23   7am   2 -  5    N 357    4.4    10.1   10 - 14   SE 134
1/23   1pm   2 -  5    N 358    4.5     9.6   14 - 20    S 171
1/23   7pm   3 -  6    N   2    5.0    10.6   14 - 20  SSE 155
1/24   7am   2 -  4    N 359    3.8     9.1   13 - 17  SSE 157
1/24   1pm   1 -  3    N   4    3.7     8.7   15 - 21  SSW 192
1/24   7pm   1 -  2  SSE 153    3.2     6.3   12 - 16    S 182
1/25   7am   2 -  5  NNW 332    3.9    10.8    4 -  5  ENE  66
1/25   1pm   3 -  7  NNW 331    6.1    10.8   14 - 19  NNE  23
1/25   7pm   4 -  8  NNW 330    6.8    10.2   16 - 21   NE  39
1/26   7am   3 -  7  NNW 333    6.0    10.8   13 - 18  ENE  69
1/26   1pm   3 -  6  NNW 331    5.1     9.9    6 -  8   NE  38
1/26   7pm   2 -  5  NNW 333    5.2     9.5    9 - 13    E  84
1/27   7am   3 -  7    N 350    5.4    11.7   11 - 15    E  93
1/27   1pm   3 -  7    N 352    5.2    11.3    2 -  3    E  93
1/27   7pm   3 -  7    N 357    5.6    11.0   11 - 15  ESE 123

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