Friday, May 9, 2014

CR NW Forecast of Fri, 2014-0509a

We are still just over 3 weeks out... but it is nice to see southern hemi swell action in our window :)

  Model Cycle: 2014 MAY 09 06Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
5/9    6am   5 - 10  SSW 192    5.6    15.9    1 -  2  ENE  78
5/9   12pm   5 - 10  SSW 192    5.5    16.0    5 -  7  WSW 255
5/9    6pm   5 - 10  SSW 192    5.4    15.7    6 -  8  WSW 245

5/10   6am   5 - 10  SSW 190    5.0    17.3    1 -  2  ESE 105
5/10  12pm   4 -  9    S 188    4.7    17.2    4 -  6    W 262
5/10   6pm   4 -  9  SSW 190    4.7    16.5    4 -  6  WSW 242

5/11   6am   4 -  8  SSW 192    4.5    15.5    4 -  5  ENE  51
5/11  12pm   3 -  7  SSW 192    4.4    15.2    1 -  2  SSE 168
5/11   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 194    4.3    14.5    7 -  9  SSW 196

5/12   6am   3 -  6  SSW 196    4.2    13.8    7 - 10  ENE  66
5/12  12pm   3 -  6  SSW 197    4.1    13.6    5 -  7  SSE 159
5/12   6pm   4 -  8  SSW 198    4.3    16.8    8 - 11  SSE 153

5/13   6am   3 -  7  SSW 199    4.2    15.8    5 -  7    E  83
5/13  12pm   3 -  7  SSW 202    4.2    15.8    2 -  3  SSE 165
5/13   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 203    4.3    15.4    5 -  7   SW 225

5/14   6am   3 -  7  SSW 203    4.2    14.8    7 - 10  ENE  58
5/14  12pm   3 -  7  SSW 202    4.1    14.6    0 -  0    E  93
5/14   6pm   3 -  7  SSW 201    4.0    14.6    8 - 10   SW 215

5/15   6am   3 -  6  SSW 202    3.7    14.0    6 -  9   NE  41
5/15  12pm   3 -  6  SSW 200    3.8    14.0    1 -  2  NNE  10
5/15   6pm   3 -  6  SSW 198    3.8    13.8    2 -  3  WSW 236

Whoopie! Can't you fly me down there right NOW?!

Effective Wednesday evening

SHORT TERM FORECAST (Through Sunday, May 11th)  
Highlights:  Run of solid SSW groundswell for the second half of the week.

South Pacific Swell:  There has been good looking storm activity tracking from the central SPAC towards the south end of South America lately. While a lot of the swell generated by those systems has been better aimed at South America, Central America will get a good share of groundswell too. The solid SSW to S Southern Hemi swell (210-190) steadily fills in on Thursday then peaks on Friday, with consistent head high+ to easily overhead surf at well exposed breaks as the better breaks see waves in the double overhead range and standouts get better sets. Those sizes hold on Saturday, then ease through the end of the weekend. Still plenty of head high to overhead surf left for good exposures on Sunday.

Wind/Weather: Costa Rica will see primarily a diurnal wind pattern through much of the week, with light/variable to locally light offshore wind for the early mornings, before a moderate S/SW seabreeze develops over the morning hours and into each afternoon. The Nicoya Peninsula will see offshore flow in the mornings; light to moderate in some areas (strongest toward the Nica border), before a moderate seabreeze develops in the afternoons. 

NOTE - Good chance for lighter wind and an evening glass off for some areas throughout Costa before dark. Keep in mind that passing showers or thunderstorms can also disrupt the general wind flow.  

EXTENDED FORECAST (Monday, May 12th and beyond)  
Highlights: Southern Hemi swell series continues through the middle of the month. 

South Pacific Swell:  Slowly easing but still very fun SSW swell for next Monday. Beyond that, another good size run of SSW swell will be rolling in for Tuesday/Wednesday, 13th-14th, for continued head high to overhead waves at many exposed spots. Slightly better round of SSW Southern Hemi due to follow for the second half of the upcoming week. We'll keep you posted on the progress of those still developing storm/swell systems. Stay tuned. 

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