Wednesday, May 14, 2014

CR NW Forecast of Wed, 2014--0514p

There appears to be a certain rhythm to this forecast ;)  And I like it!!

SHORT TERM FORECAST (Through Sunday, May 18th)  
Highlights:  Southern Hemi swell continues through the week. 

South Pacific Swell:  The current round of SSW (205-190) swell eases going into the second half of the week, leading to waves in the shoulder high to 1-2' overhead range on Thursday at exposed spots. The old swell continues to fade on Friday as another round of SW-SSW (220-200) Southern Hemi starts to join in, keeping waves around the head high plus mark for lots of spots. The new, long-period SW-SSW swell combo will gradually build over the weekend, for more head high plus surf and better sets at exposures.  New SW (225-215) swell begins to show by Sunday.

Wind/Weather: Costa Rica will see primarily a diurnal wind pattern through much of the week. Look for light/variable to locally light offshore wind for the early mornings, before a moderate S/SW seabreeze develops over the morning hours and into each afternoon. The Nicoya Peninsula will see offshore flow in the mornings; light to moderate in some areas, strongest toward the Nica border where winds are due to stay offshore through the day, especially on Friday and going into the weekend, while spots further south see a light+moderate seabreeze develops in the afternoons. 

NOTE - Good chance for lighter wind and an evening glass off for some areas throughout Costa before dark. Keep in mind that passing showers or thunderstorms can also disrupt the general wind flow.  

EXTENDED FORECAST (Monday, May 19th and beyond)
Highlights: More Southern Hemi swell moves in for the start of next week.

South Pacific Swell:  SW-SSW (225-210) Southern Hemi swell peaks next Monday, 19th, with head+ high to several feet overhead waves at good exposures, while the better breaks are consistently easily overhead. Slow fade in size as the groundswell shifts SSW (210-200) and eases on Tuesday and into the middle of the upcoming week. Fresh round of SW-SSW (220-205) Southern Hemi swell is scheduled to show during the second half of next week, topping out next Friday/Saturday, 23rd-24th, for more overhead surf.

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