Saturday, May 17, 2014

CR NW Forecast of Fri, 2014-0516p

Another long-range "stoking it up" forecast.

WEATHER/WIND: Northern CR will see offshore NE-ENE flow persist through most of the day. The southern half of the peninsula sees the offshores in the mornings then a moderate seabreeze develops in the afternoons. Good chance for lighter wind and an evening glassoff for many areas before dark. NOTE - Passing or nearby showers and thunderstorms can temporarily affect/change local wind conditions.

SHORT TERM FORECAST (Through Monday, May 19th)  
Highlights:  Southern hemi swell continues into next week. 

South Pacific Swell:  The current combo of long-period SW-SSW (220-200) Southern hemi swell peaks on Saturday with more head high plus surf and better sets at exposures.  That swell mix eases by the end of the weekend as a new run of long-period SW (225-215) swell begins to join for slightly smaller but still consistently fun waves on Sunday.  The fresh Southern hemi swell peaks next Monday, 19th, with head+ high to several feet overhead waves at good exposures, while the better breaks are see more overhead surf.

EXTENDED FORECAST (Tuesday, May 20th and beyond)  
Highlights: Series of southern hemi swells for the upcoming week. 

South Pacific Swell:  SW-SSW southern hemi swell will gradually fade in size as it shifts to SSW (210-200) on Tuesday. Still plenty of head high waves and overhead sets for exposures then. The trend towards decreasing size continues through the middle of the upcoming week for smaller surf next Wednesday and Thursday. Fresh round of SW-SSW (220-205) Southern Hemi swell is scheduled to fill in by next Friday, 23rd, then peak during the following weekend in the head high to several feet overhead zone at good exposures. We'll keep you posted on the progress of that storm/swell system as it develops.

Looks like the new Bonzer paipo will be baptized in a tempest of surf.

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