Monday, May 26, 2014

CRNW Forecast Update for 2014-0526pm

Well... more moderate in the expert analysis part of the forecast (colored section for near 7 days) and the computer-generated jumps off the charts for several days (gray section). Silver lining is that the first couple of days should provide an opportunity to test ride the new board before going into the more challenging, less predictable conditions. 

The table below the charts, by Buoyweather, is still showing a larger swell hitting the coast on Sun and Mon.

  Model Cycle: 2014 MAY 26 18Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 6 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
5/26  12pm   5 - 11   SW 220    4.6    20.3    2 -  2  WNW 283

5/27  12pm   6 - 12   SW 220    5.7    17.8    1 -  2  ESE 103

5/28  12pm   5 - 10   SW 219    5.4    16.3    1 -  2  SSW 204

5/29  12pm   4 -  9   SW 216    5.1    15.1    4 -  6   SW 229

5/30   6am   4 -  8   SW 215    4.8    14.2    4 -  5  SSW 200
5/30  12pm   4 -  9  SSW 208    4.6    16.6    6 -  9   SW 220
5/30   6pm   4 -  9  SSW 208    4.6    16.3    7 -  9   SW 225

5/31   6am   4 -  8  SSW 209    4.5    15.6    4 -  6  SSE 156 Sat
5/31  12pm   4 -  8  SSW 208    4.6    15.4    7 - 10  SSW 194
5/31   6pm   4 -  8  SSW 206    4.9    14.8    7 - 10   SW 225

6/1    6am   5 - 10  SSW 200    5.1    16.4    1 -  2  SSW 197 Sun
6/1   12pm   4 -  9  SSW 196    5.2    15.5    5 -  7   SW 215
6/1    6pm   5 - 11  SSW 191    5.5    17.6    5 -  7   SW 215

6/2    6am   5 - 10  SSW 191    5.6    16.1    5 -  6  SSW 190 Mon
6/2   12pm   5 - 10  SSW 191    5.6    15.5    4 -  5   SW 228

Monday evening  update

SHORT TERM FORECAST (Through Friday, May 30th)  
Highlights:  Healthy southern hemi peaks mid week.      

South Pacific Swell:  Continued storm action tracking away from New Zealand cranked out more southern hemi swell for this week. A fresh, long-period SW (225-210) groundswell fills in through Tuesday, then tops out on Wednesday with easily overhead surf at good exposures and double overhead stuff at top breaks. Those waves hold into Thursday then slowly fade on Friday.

Wind/Weather: Costa Rica will see primarily a diurnal wind pattern through the first half of the week. Look for light/variable to locally light offshore wind for the early mornings, before a moderate S/SW seabreeze develops over the morning hours and into each afternoon. The Nicoya Peninsula will see offshore flow in the mornings; light to moderate in some areas, strongest toward the Nica border where offshores hang on for most of the day, while other areas see a light+moderate seabreeze in the afternoons.

EXTENDED FORECAST (Saturday, May 31st and beyond)  
Highlights: Old swell fades, new SW swell moves in.

South Pacific Swell:  Old SW swell continues to wind down going into the weekend as a new, more moderate scale mix of SW-SSW (220-220) moves in. That swell combo leads to mainly shoulder-head high surf at exposures for Saturday and Sunday, while top breaks see better sets, with Sunday looking strongest.

Better, more southerly, (205-185) southern hemi being set up now by storm activity off South America will be building in next Monday, June 2nd, then maxing out on Tuesday with more well overhead+ stuff for lots of exposures. Those waves taper off into the second half of the upcoming week. Stay tuned for the latest updates on this still developing storm/swell system. 

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