Tuesday, June 3, 2014

CRNW Report (Bonzer Paipo Update) Tue, 2014-0603pm

Cloudy in later afternoon but did not look terribly threatening. It worked out okay. Waves were a bit funky with multiple swell influence and the larger waves were breaking and reforming once or twice. Conditions were low tide going high, low to no winds but a light surface chop on the water. Walls usually sectioned down the line and many waves did not provide typical long rides. There was a lot of swell in the water. We surfed Northside Rock, 4-8 ft. Tim Lumley had his best wave ever!!!

Bonzer Paipo Trials Update: For this afternoon's evaluation I stepped down to the 4-1/2 inch FCS PC-5 Blue H-comb. The fin was placed at the Baseline 0 position (where the leading edge is at the trailing edge of the rear runners).

Evaluation: This afternoon's trials were a significant improvement over the 6" and 5.25" fins. The 4.5 inch fins appears to be working much better than the others. Now I will run it through trials in other surf conditions (every day/session is a little different). My last wave was the best ride of the trip (not the best wave of the trip!). Smiles.

Photos of the Fins
6 in True Ames Bonzer, 5.25 in True Ames and 4.5 in FCS PC-5 Blue H-comb

5.25 in True Ames overlay of the 6 in True Ames Bonzer

4-1/2 in FCS overlay of the 5-1/4 in True Ames

4-1/2 in FCS overlay of the 6 in True Ames Bonzer


Dr. Robert said...

Hint on the Bonzer center fin set up:
place the leading edge of the center fin just slightly(1/8-1/4")into the trailing edge of the rear runner.
I think you will feel a noticable difference...for the better.
Start with the 6" fin and work your way down.
Good luck!

rodndtube said...

Yes... I have been steadily working my way down! For my next session I have moved the small bonzer runners to the rear, replacing the large bonzer runners. Up front I have placed small 2-1/4" fiberglass sidebites with only one-third to half the base of the small runners. These sidebites are not canted (although the fin boxes have a small amount of cant).