Sunday, January 12, 2020

NWPR Forecast & Report of 2020-0112 (Sun)

The table below is stuck on ENE!!! I really don't know what to make of the forecast table. Paddled out to PdP this morning around 730a, mixed wind and texture. The winds have been very strong trades from the E/NE as shown below at 10a. Surf break was around 6 ft and more in sets, very mixed up with many waves closing out across, and mucho current. My claim to fame was catching and riding one real good one. They the crowd started to expand beyond 5 of us, not the usual local folks (think they came from up north coastal).

Location : 18.5N  67.5W               
Model Cycle: 2020 JAN 12 06Z          
Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/12   7am   6 - 12  ENE  51   10.3    10.3   21 - 29  ENE  76
1/12   1pm   6 - 13  ENE  53   10.9    10.5   22 - 30  ENE  74
1/12   7pm   7 - 14  ENE  55   11.0    10.8   22 - 29    E  81
1/13   7am   7 - 14  ENE  55   11.2    10.8   22 - 30    E  83
1/13   1pm   7 - 15  ENE  56   11.5    10.9   22 - 30  ENE  74
1/13   7pm   7 - 14  ENE  58   10.9    10.9   22 - 30  ENE  79
1/14   7am   6 - 13  ENE  61   10.5    10.8   21 - 29  ENE  76
1/14   1pm   6 - 13  ENE  62   10.2    10.9   21 - 28  ENE  71
1/14   7pm   6 - 12  ENE  63    9.4    10.9   19 - 26  ENE  79
1/15   7am   5 - 10  ENE  63    8.5    10.7   21 - 28  ENE  72
1/15   1pm   5 - 10  ENE  64    8.3    10.4   19 - 26  ENE  70
1/15   7pm   4 -  9  ENE  66    7.3    10.3   17 - 23  ENE  72
1/16   7am   3 -  6  ENE  68    5.5    10.1   13 - 18  ENE  61
1/16   1pm   3 -  6  ENE  68    5.5     9.8   16 - 22  ENE  63
1/16   7pm   3 -  6  ENE  68    5.3     9.7   16 - 22  ENE  60
1/17   7am   2 -  5  ENE  68    5.0     9.4   15 - 21  ENE  68
1/17   1pm   2 -  5  ENE  68    5.2     9.2   17 - 24  ENE  65
1/17   7pm   1 -  3  ENE  57    5.5     5.9   18 - 25  ENE  70
1/18   7am   1 -  3  ENE  55    5.0     6.4   16 - 22    E  81
1/18   1pm   1 -  3  ENE  54    5.2     6.2   17 - 23  ENE  65
1/18   7pm   2 -  4  ENE  57    5.8     6.3   21 - 28  ENE  69
1/19   1am   2 -  4  ENE  54    5.2     7.0   16 - 22    E  87
Generally speaking, I think the Caricoos is doing a much better job.

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