Tuesday, January 28, 2020

NWPR Forecast & Report of 2020-0128 (Tue)

Report: By far the best day of the trip in terms of wave quality, my rides, the smooth waters and everything else. Forgot to put SPF gel on my face but being in the water before 7am mitigates that somewhat... still can see a reddish nose and cheeks. The first hour surf at PdP was just one wave after another--not that I caught many during that period--always seemed to be too far inside or too far over and I was reluctant to catch any of the good looking rights for fear of fighting the southerly current. Eventually I gave in and was handsomely rewarded. Also caught a grade A left ride. One other guy was out there for a short 45 minutes. Talked to a local boy who indicated the "crowd" was up at RG.

Location : 18.5N  67.5W               
  Model Cycle: 2020 JAN 28 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/28   1am   2 -  5  NNE  29    4.0    11.4    3 -  4   SE 132
1/28   7am   2 -  5  NNE  29    4.0    11.1    3 -  5   SW 217
1/28   1pm   2 -  5   NE  31    3.9    10.9    6 -  8  WSW 232
1/28   7pm   2 -  4   NE  33    3.8    10.7    5 -  7   SW 217
1/29   1am   2 -  4   NE  33    3.6    10.6    2 -  4    W 275
1/29   7am   2 -  4   NE  34    3.4    10.7    1 -  1  WNW 281
1/29   1pm   2 -  4   NE  35    3.2    10.6    2 -  3    W 267
1/29   7pm   1 -  3   NE  36    3.0    10.4    1 -  2    E  93

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