Sunday, January 19, 2020

NWPR Forecast & Report of 2020-0119 (Sun)

Report: Today was a good day to drive around to a few places. No photos. Balenario was sort of breaking, nothing very appealing and the water tends to be dirty there especially with the overnight surge into local river mouths filling them up and causing flow back out to sea.

Checked a few other spots out or curiosity, PdP and TdlR, both out of control and all around road to TdlR there was debris overwash, some areas littered with pebbles, rocks, tree pieces, wood, etc. Side current at one spot was FAST... yeah, I could have paddled out and said "goodbye world" bbut with that side current flow where the hell would I ever make landing? Way to treacherous, not to mention the ghost sets would have clobbered me to a pulp. I never did check Tres Palmas. Maria's on the cam was out-of-control but ever moreso suffering from first swell disorganization.

Since I have not been to Aguadilla in several years and it was a low-traffic day (Sunday), I drove up there. Debris all along the new-for-me beach promenade for walking and parking. In some places sections of the concrete top railing had been blown off. Rock debris ranging from pebbles to one foot rocks were everywhere on the promenade and street. I watched for awhile the 30+ surfers out at Schoolyards and the other 20+ or more at Bridges. It is really hellish to get in and out of the water at Bridges anymore with all the boulders--need to know the soft spots. It would be hellish on a day like today with flippers and board and scaling the boulders with all the water and stuff flying.

Forecast: Looks like I might have ridable waves the balance of the trip although I am not counting tomorrow.

Location : 18.5N  67.5W               
  Model Cycle: 2020 JAN 19 06Z          
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours              
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/19   1am  10 - 20    N   3   11.4    14.7   22 - 30  ENE  66 SUN
1/19   7am  10 - 21    N   1   13.1    13.5   19 - 26  ENE  70
1/19   1pm   9 - 19    N   1   12.2    13.4   20 - 27  ENE  71
1/19   7pm   8 - 17    N   0   11.4    13.0   20 - 28    E  80
1/20   1am   9 - 18  NNE  11   10.5    14.6   16 - 21  ENE  77 MON
1/20   7am   8 - 16  NNE  13    9.5    14.4    7 - 10  ESE 103
1/20   1pm   7 - 14  NNE  15    8.6    14.1    1 -  2  WNW 288
1/20   7pm   6 - 12  NNE  15    7.8    13.7    5 -  7  NNE  28
1/21   1am   5 - 10  NNE  16    6.8    13.3    7 -  9  SSE 152 TUE
1/21   7am   4 -  8  NNE  16    5.9    12.6    8 - 11   SE 137
1/21   1pm   3 -  7  NNE  17    5.3    12.0   11 - 15  SSE 167
1/21   7pm   3 -  6  NNE  17    4.7    11.5    5 -  8    E  86
1/22   1am   2 -  4  ENE  54    4.0     8.5    5 -  7   SE 135 WED
1/22   7am   1 -  3  ENE  55    3.5     8.3   10 - 13   SE 148
1/22   1pm   1 -  3  ENE  61    3.3     8.1   11 - 15    S 179
1/22   7pm   1 -  3  NNE  29    3.0     8.3    9 - 13    S 178
1/23   1am   1 -  2    N   9    2.9     8.5    8 - 11  SSW 196 THU
1/23   7am   1 -  3    N 350    3.1     8.9    5 -  7    W 279
1/23   1pm   1 -  3    N 350    3.2     8.4    4 -  6  WNW 290
1/23   7pm   1 -  3    N 355    3.7     8.0   12 - 17    N   1
1/24   1am   3 -  6  NNW 333    5.0    10.4   11 - 16    N 359 FRI
1/24   7am   3 -  7  NNW 337    5.8    10.2   11 - 15    N   7
1/24   1pm   4 -  8  NNW 346    6.6    10.3   10 - 14    N   9
1/24   7pm   4 -  9    N 353    7.0    10.9   11 - 15  NNE  18
1/25   1am   4 -  9    N   3    7.0    10.9    9 - 13   NE  39 SAT
1/25   7am   4 -  8    N   7    6.4    10.4   11 - 16  ENE  53
1/25   1pm   3 -  7  NNE  13    6.4    10.1   13 - 17  ENE  52
1/25   7pm   4 -  9  NNE  18    6.9    11.6   11 - 15  ENE  67
1/26   1am   4 -  8  NNE  21    6.6    11.1   10 - 14  ENE  73 SUN

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