Thursday, April 29, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of 2021-0429a (Thu) "Last Call"

Hit the water at 525am for our last wave treats of the trip. David was first to catch a wave, at Northside Rock, and scored a trip wave and maybe his best wave of the trip, with a steep drop and good wall to ride and move on. Fun waves for about an hour from Inside Northside and at The Wash. Felt very refreshed. The Bank will return next March 2022.

Saw some schooling out near the Rock and lots of people yelling from the beach. When we made landfall we saw about a dozen fishermen of all ages running up and down the beach using hand reals chasing the bait fish to catch the keepers. Some nice black tuna and red snapper in the mix. Lots of fat fish that don't go hungry.  

Max tides the past few day and winds hitting between 11a and noon. Today's tidal shift was from 10.5 ft to -1.0 ft, nearly 12 ft of tidal change in about 6 hrs, for a 2 ft/hour change.

Very satisfying surf trip... four years in the making for me, two years for David and a new experience for John. Ha! No group picture with our boards???

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of Tue/Wed, 2021-0427 and -0428

Good fun surf for John and I yesterday. David paddled out for nth straight day but was rather fatigued and did not last long. John caught several 200-300 yd rides. I rode some Southside Rock and inside Lil' Ala Moana in addition to the Wash.

Today we were off early to obtain our re-entry covid-19 tests and stopped for a coffee to visit the the former General Manager of our long time surf villa hotel, he and family are doing very well. El Diablo is doing well and working there as well (but was working a later shift today). Test went smoothly, we were in and out. Later in the afternoon we all received our negative antigen test results.

No surf today. We were back around 11am but the on-shores were already blowing hard. Tomorrow morning the alarm rings early as we are pointing towards a 5a approach to the sea.