Wednesday, April 7, 2021

CRNW Forecast of 2021-0407 (Wed)

There is some small to flat surf early in the week, almost background swell until Wed, 14 April, and then the real waves emerge. The 19th and 20th may have some shadowing from the Galapagos. Out first day in the water, Saturday, 17 April, looks like some good warm up waves. Thu, 22nd April is around when some serious waves emerge with 6 ft @16 sec. NorthSide Rock (or Outer Wash maybe?).


 The Experts say...

By Chris Borg • Premium Expert Forecast • 1 day

Central America Premium Analysis

The Bottom Line

  • Swell Trend: Old SSW swell fading into mid week, new SSW swell shows for the back half of the week 
  • Watch Out For: Late morning/mid day high tide slows most spots down
  • Other Tidbits: SPAC staying productive in the longer range

Winds/weather: Typical wind pattern persists.

Costa Rica: Northern CR sees steady offshore wind persist through the day, with breaks around Playa Negra and areas further south seeing a lighter afternoon seabreeze develop each day.

Long Term Forecast Analysis (Thursday, April 8th and Beyond)

SPAC Overview:

Old SSW swell drops out by the back half of the week, as a new round of moderate scale  SSW swell moves in. The mid to longer-period Southern Hemi sets up  chest to shoulder-high+ waves at good exposures on Thursday and Friday, then that surf eases through the weekend, with Sunday mainly running thigh to waist high. Pulse of reinforcement SSW due to bump waves up a bit for the start of next week.

Beyond that, a good looking storm currently moving through the central SPAC is expected to push up another solid shot of SSW swell which will start to fill in mid next week, then top out during the back half of the upcoming week, 16th-18th, with waves around the head high+ mark and better sets at well exposed spots. We’ll keep you posted on the progress of that still developing Southern Hemi as it heads our way.


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