Monday, April 19, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of 2021-0419 (Monday)

Another great day for the three Amigos in the Band able to make it to SR's Cove. The new band member appears to be enjoying himself.

From what I heard the other two boys had a very good session and were body beat ready to go in after two hours despite leaving good conditions. I fall into that group as well. Each day has seemingly been better. John is gaining an increased understanding of the intricacies of The Rock and The Wash. David opted for his first mat session and it sounds like he may not ride the paipo again (LOL). I caught and rode so many long waves today so had a number of paddle outs to The Wash. After roughly a two years layoff of serious surfing and paddling it is fair to say my arching neck and shoulder paddling muscles had atrophied. But I fought through the neck pain because conditions were clean and rides so frequent and good. I almost exclusively rode Wash waves today, good swell line breaking over the Rock ready for a good take-off and wall to carve, speed line, stall, re-entry and today, even a sweet tube to pull into on the inside section.

There were certainly plus sets rolling in but the Wash waves I were catching and riding were in the 4-5 ft range with a continuous wall of that size for hundreds of yards. John measured the distance of the paddle out to the Rock from the Put-In spot and said it was about .2 miles, or 1/5 mile, or 352 yards, so my rides today ranged from 200 to 300 yds from point A to point B, but even longer if counting cutbacks, etc. Probably about 2 miles cumulative in paddling out and back out after rides.

And today was our "small day" of the first 10 trip days... we'll see. Rode the Wash but it was not suitable for riding the south-side Rock breaks today.


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