Monday, April 26, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of 2021-0425 and 0426 (Sun/Mon)

I did not surf on Sat, Apr 24, 2021, opting for a day off for recovery and relaxation. John has taken two R&R days off, shooting videos on those days. David is still chugging along. My memory is a bit foggy about yesterday other than mostly riding The Wash, and staring out kinda lethargic and prone to little mistakes. My wave catch rate was down to around 30% for awhile before finishing up strong with three good waves. All of us were bounced and beat around rather well, between the onshores starting and the tidal flow created a weird tidal chop.

Today featured beautiful surf conditions again with sunny skies and beautiful looking seas and swells. Today I focused on Southside Rock and Lil' Ala Moana although did not venture deep into other dues to the shallow waters. We paddled out early, just two hours into tide going high, in order to catch offshore winds before they turned onshore. Today was a very easy, pleasant, low-current day with several waves in the Lil' Moana zone, my last one from there all the way to the put-in rock line :)

Wednesday we go for our covid-19 antigen tests.

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