Wednesday, April 21, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of 2021-0421 (Wed noon)

I think everybody did well today. No complaints here riding Northside Rock 1st Reef Line. Some very nice drops! And a middle section to negotiate going from the top to down and around underneath and driving. The first couple of times I didn't negotiate that maneuver at all, the second time not cleanly and but then was good to go. It is really like a bowl section that pops up and plunges forward. Other highlights: John lost his surf mat, the hunt was on and then he found it in the neutral zone. David was adjusting to the different swell characteristics and also being on the Bonzer after two days riding the mat. One thing I will say is that each of the last 4 days have been different so a lot of variety in one spot!

Looks like the peaking swell will be tomorrow, not Friday. Conflicting reports.

La Bomba En Route: Southern Hemi Swell Rising Across Americas
The largest south swell of year unloads late week, weekend for West Coast of Americas





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