Sunday, April 18, 2021

CRNW Forecast and Report of 2021-0418

The Three Boys all had a good water session. John caught a good sized open face drop at Northside Rock on his Neumatic surf mat, David was catching waves and drops better on his new handmade Bonzer 2, by moving forward on his board a little, and I caught my best all-around rides of the trip thus far at The Wash, long rides, lots or turns and re-entries--it caught up with me as it was like paddling out 5 times. Such was the beast. Still plenty of swell in the water with Northside peaks overhead and The Wash peaks in the 5 ft range but holding up that size with good walls to carve nearly to the put-in spot. I was spent at about the 2-hr. mark, and apparently so were the others.

We're not sure about a second session today... may not be in our hands if on-shores have junked it up and thunderstorms are on the horizon (rather unusual for this time of year).

More swell on the way... but Friday came down a bit from last night's forecast? Maybe, Maybe not. Not sure how these forecasts are scripted.

Good post-surf breakfast eats of scrambled hard boiled eggs with cheese and avocado on a tortilla shell. After a short rest it might be time for a Bavaria Negra and surf story chatter.







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