Saturday, January 12, 2013

PRNW Forecast and Report of Sat, 2013-0112am

Up around dawn and in the water by 7:15am. My friend, Pio, paddled out about 10 minutes before me while I applied SPF and such. The waves appeared a bit mixed up very early but were shaping up as I paddled out for some nice 3-4 surf and some plus sets as the precursors to the swell on the way. For almost two hours it was just the two of us out for a very relaxing surfing and talking story time. Just after I caught my last wave in a couple of others were preparing to paddle out. Fetched some coffee and a couple of others were joining the crowd and then a car of 4 gringo shortboarders arrived and joined in the mix but mostly riding the inferior rights on the south side of the peak.

Sure wish I had brought my Vipers Orange Dots -- the Yellow Dots were a little stiff for my unconditioned legs and feet.

Post surf grinds: Pressed ham and cheese sandwich back at the villa.

  Model Cycle: 2013 JAN 12 00Z         
  Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours             
             SURF    SURF DIR   SEAS  PERIOD   WIND    WND/DIR
             (ft)       (deg)   (ft)   (sec)   (kts)     (deg)
            -------  --------  -----  ------  -------  -------
1/12   7am   2 -  5  NNE  22    5.8     8.0   11 - 15  ENE  61 SAT
1/12   1pm   2 -  5  NNE  24    5.6     8.2   10 - 14   NE  47
1/12   7pm   3 -  6  NNE  27    6.8     8.1   17 - 23  ENE  62

1/13   1am   3 -  6   NE  31    7.1     7.9   14 - 20  ENE  60 SUN
1/13   7am   6 - 12  NNE  15    7.3    13.8   14 - 19  ENE  56
1/13   1pm   5 - 11  NNE  12    7.4    13.1   12 - 17   NE  47

1/14   7am   8 - 16  NNE  22    9.0    15.7   13 - 18  ENE  55 MON
1/14   1pm   7 - 15  NNE  21    8.6    14.7   11 - 15   NE  47
1/14   7pm   6 - 13  NNE  22    8.1    14.1   13 - 18  ENE  57

1/15   7am   6 - 12  NNE  21    8.1    12.7   14 - 19  ENE  73 TUE
1/15   1pm   7 - 14  NNE  26    8.2    14.3   13 - 17  ENE  59
1/15   7pm   6 - 13  NNE  25    8.3    13.3   16 - 22  ENE  66

1/16   7am   4 -  9  NNE  23    6.4    11.9   12 - 16  ENE  74 WED
1/16   1pm   3 -  7  NNE  21    5.7    11.5    9 - 12  ENE  64
1/16   7pm   3 -  7  NNE  22    5.7    10.9   14 - 19  ENE  64

1/17   7am   3 -  6  NNE  23    5.1    10.3   12 - 16  ENE  75 THU
1/17   1pm   2 -  5  NNE  26    4.8    10.3   10 - 13  ENE  59
1/17   7pm   2 -  5  NNE  28    4.6    10.1   13 - 17  ENE  69

1/18   7am   2 -  5   NE  31    5.1     9.6   15 - 20  ENE  78 FRI
1/18   1pm   2 -  4   NE  39    5.3     7.3   13 - 18  ENE  71
1/18   7pm   2 -  5   NE  42    5.6     7.5   15 - 20  ENE  74

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